Posts by CM1215

by CM1215
28.04.2022, 18:28
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: PSR J1719-1438 & The "Diamond Planet" [Addon]
Replies: 9
Views: 9838

Re: PSR J1719-1438 & The "Diamond Planet" [Addon]

although not fully realistic i think i can make ya a good texture, want it to look like a giant diamond, or a blue tinted rocky terrestrial? Apologies for the late reply. I wasn't expecting to get an offer to make a texture after this long since I first uploaded this addon. Nevertheless, I am very ...
by CM1215
20.04.2022, 23:01
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: PSR J1719-1438 & The "Diamond Planet" [Addon]
Replies: 9
Views: 9838

Re: PSR J1719-1438 & The "Diamond Planet" [Addon]

For those who have been trying to download the addon and couldn't because of the broken link, the link has been updated and should work now.

by CM1215
16.06.2021, 00:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Pictures from Celestia
Replies: 985
Views: 3134198

Re: Pictures from Celestia

by CM1215
14.06.2021, 16:34
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 1409600

Re: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread

cartrite wrote:Well it didn't work. What version of celestia are you using?
I'm using one of Alexell's x64 1.7.0 builds modified by Janus to use QT 5.6.3 & VS2013.
by CM1215
14.06.2021, 13:04
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 1409600

Re: Celestia 1.7.0 Development Thread

cartrite , I've found that there are two primary ways to make a model with intrinsically-defined textures and/or normal maps work in Celestia. Either you must tell it to use the model in its initial definition (for Mars this would be in the solarsys.ssc file) or to write a new definition in a diffe...
by CM1215
13.06.2021, 13:22
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1326063

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

Art Blos wrote:Until your inspiration leaves, I would like to see new versions of "Hubble", "Spitzer" and "Mariner 2". Although the list of spacecrafts with poor models is wider.
I sent him a link to a more detailed model of Spitzer some time ago; perhaps he could work with that.
by CM1215
10.06.2021, 13:34
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

So it appears you have a good idea of the steps that must be taken to produce this high-definition model of Mars. While you work on rewriting your script, I'll try subdividing the plane many more times in Blender to see if I can get it to be displaced properly. Also, thank you for the help you've gi...
by CM1215
09.06.2021, 17:30
Forum: Tutorials
Topic: Celestia Matters forum archived
Replies: 2
Views: 15116

Re: Celestia Matters forum archived

Unfortunately, not all the topics are archived; I tried to go to two different topics, and neither are saved.
by CM1215
09.06.2021, 15:09
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

I attempted to process the mars heightmap using the script and the instructions you linked to above, however two problems arise: 1. The "Noise" button doesn't displace the mesh. 2. The script errors with the following message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", l...
by CM1215
09.06.2021, 01:56
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

So this is a script written for an older Blender version. Can this be used to transform a heightmap into a spherical mesh? What Blender version does this work for?

I am not very good with Blender, so I don't know how to put this script into action, if that's your plan.
by CM1215
08.06.2021, 21:09
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

What build environment are you using? I was using MINGW64. Attempting to compile with tools enabled caused a multitude of errors that I don't quite remember. I am attempting to run cmodsphere on a txt file of the mars file. I found that isis2ascii was needed? So far I have not succeeded. I have the...
by CM1215
08.06.2021, 19:59
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

So, should I first reduce the size of the .cub heightmap to 32k using the reduce program before cropping it? Or is the cropping supposed to precede the reduction in size? Based on your instructions, I am assuming the former is the case. So I'll need four crops, one from sample 1 to 16384 and line 1 ...
by CM1215
08.06.2021, 15:44
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Generic exoplanet textures
Replies: 12
Views: 15449

Re: Generic exoplanet textures

trappistplanets wrote:how can i select all of the "asteroid.*" stuff all at once so i can replace all of them quickly
You can use Notepad's find and replace feature (Edit >> Replace...)
by CM1215
08.06.2021, 14:45
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

I wouldn't recommend getting that file. I would use the ISIS cub. Out of curiosity, why? What is the difference between the .tif file and the ISIS .cub file, apart from the apparent 180-degree offset? Also, after searching, I found that the program in question was indeed cmodsphere. I am attempting...
by CM1215
07.06.2021, 13:18
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

cartrite wrote:There is also a program that I think is part of Celestia that will change a topo map into a cmod. Chris Laurel wrote it along with Fridger Schemp. I think it's part of the tools folder.
What is this program called, and do you happen to have a build of it available?
by CM1215
06.06.2021, 02:38
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

Is this situation made any less difficult by the fact that I found a large Mars height map (46080x23040 px) on the USGS website?
by CM1215
05.06.2021, 22:26
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

Ok, so I successfully got a Ubuntu VM working on my laptop, and was able to install ISIS3 via Anaconda in the VM. I downloaded the base data (including the molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0005.cub file) and installed GDAL (also in the VM) in order to work with the .cub file. Now, what do I need to do? What c...
by CM1215
05.06.2021, 15:06
Forum: Modelling
Topic: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data
Replies: 35
Views: 29628

Re: Creating a 3D Mars Model from USGS ISIS3 Data

When I get the .cub file, what do I do with it? How to I get from the .cub file to a usable model that can be textured?
by CM1215
05.06.2021, 14:35
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Realistic red supergiant texture and model
Replies: 11
Views: 9815

Re: Realistic red supergiant texture and model

Eric Nelson wrote:It had to do with the use of such and what such files it would also work on, but I'll follow that advice.
Thanks! I apologize, because upon reading your post more, you did use the model and texture from this thread, so your post is more relevant than I thought.
by CM1215
05.06.2021, 14:31
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Realistic red supergiant texture and model
Replies: 11
Views: 9815

Re: Realistic red supergiant texture and model

This was my 1st year on here ever and I wanted to discuss those who were interested in such topic and many were wondering how the star Stephenson 2-18 would be rendered and I did my best to render it with the best coordinates and magnitude. If you wanted to do that, you could've made a new topic in...

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