Posts by roninwolf1981

by roninwolf1981
27.02.2021, 00:10
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Celestia's 20th anniversary
Replies: 9
Views: 19554

Re: Celestia's 20th anniversary

SevenSpheres wrote:You have to select the text you want to quote first. See here for an example.


I see. I never would have figured it out on my own. Thank you for your help.
by roninwolf1981
26.02.2021, 17:45
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Celestia's 20th anniversary
Replies: 9
Views: 19554

Re: Celestia's 20th anniversary

(on-topic) I find it lamentable that I had little to no way of knowing about this program that far back; I only learned about it as recently as 2014. I discovered Solar System Scope as far back as 2011, and since then I've been looking for a program/application that will let me explore other star sy...
by roninwolf1981
26.02.2021, 10:46
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: List of Celestia addons
Replies: 29
Views: 115228

Re: List of Celestia addons

I've lost track on the status of the Motherlode for almost 2 years; it wasn't until just today that I attempted to look back to see if the 'Lode was still there. I was relieved to see it was still there...then I stumbled upon these threads and saw that it had indeed gone away and was resurrected. I'...
by roninwolf1981
26.02.2021, 10:42
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1325735

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

I remember playing around with .ssc files a few years back, and I was able to put in orbit around Pandora a Romulan D'deridex Warbird. I used a myriad of Star Trek addons (one of them had the warbird model and texture files) as well as the Avatar addon that I downloaded from the Celestia Motherlode ...
by roninwolf1981
26.02.2021, 10:34
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Celestia 1.6.2 is out
Replies: 61
Views: 172159

Re: Celestia 1.6.2 is out

I have a question:

Will any and all files that are used by version 1.6.1 (ssc/stc/etc) work with version 1.6.2? I've since replaced the hard drive to my computer and installed a new operating system, and I haven't installed Celestia yet; previous hard drive had version 1.6.1 installed.
by roninwolf1981
31.08.2019, 04:55
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1325735

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

Thanks @bh.

It didn't have much in the way of Star Wars, but I was able to find the texture and .3ds model for the Executor.
by roninwolf1981
29.08.2019, 21:40
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1325735

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

If inquiries about fictional spacecraft are welcome on this thread, I do have a few: When I was hoarding addons from the Celestia Motherlode back in mid-2014, I was disappointed that there were missing files in the Star Wars Atlas addon. In there was the .ssc file for the Executor, but missing were ...
by roninwolf1981
24.02.2019, 05:58
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Barnard's Star b
Replies: 10
Views: 9396

Re: Barnard's Star b


Looks awesome. So it's just the one planet discovered up there?
by roninwolf1981
31.10.2018, 02:48
Forum: Textures
Topic: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures
Replies: 28
Views: 20124

Re: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures

Now THAT'S what I like to see!
by roninwolf1981
30.10.2018, 18:46
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Castor addon Help Request
Replies: 0
Views: 4616

Castor addon Help Request

My version of Celestia is 1.6.1. My computer is a 64-bit Windows 10 desktop that was updated from Win7 to Win10 in 2016. After having installed the addon from Celestia Motherlode, I've noticed that Castor's primary barycenter isn't visible, neither from the Sol system's view nor upon approaching the...
by roninwolf1981
28.10.2018, 04:19
Forum: Textures
Topic: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures
Replies: 28
Views: 20124

Re: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures

Found out about an hour ago, actually...
by roninwolf1981
28.10.2018, 02:20
Forum: Textures
Topic: Black Body Star Textures
Replies: 33
Views: 23373

Re: Black Body Star Textures

I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking or heckling, but wouldn't M-class stars have less and larger convection cells than your typical G-class star like the sun?
by roninwolf1981
28.10.2018, 01:53
Forum: Textures
Topic: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures
Replies: 28
Views: 20124

Re: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures

I haven't been back on this forum in half a year. I should check the Celestia Motherlode to see if the corrected Trappist-1 addon was ever added.
by roninwolf1981
06.05.2018, 22:17
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Post your Celestia videos!
Replies: 124
Views: 95243

Re: Post your Celestia videos!

I really don't have much to offer except the 21 Aug 2017 solar eclipse simulation.

Please forgive the cringey, unconfident verbal narrative...
by roninwolf1981
06.05.2018, 19:14
Forum: Help Central
Topic: celestia 1.7.0
Replies: 12
Views: 11211

Re: celestia 1.7.0


Well, did it work?
by roninwolf1981
06.05.2018, 19:13
Forum: Textures
Topic: More (but not entirely) realistic M-type stars
Replies: 4
Views: 5260

Re: More (but not entirely) realistic M-type stars

@FarGetaNik, is it the Help Central thread, or the Tutorial thread?
by roninwolf1981
06.05.2018, 19:04
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Still cannot find VY Canis Majoris - checked FAQ
Replies: 17
Views: 14781

Re: Still cannot find VY Canis Majoris - checked FAQ

With "modify," I should be able to override the verbiage/nomenclature of what's already displaying on the star's entry, correct?

And to answer your question, I say sure...
by roninwolf1981
05.05.2018, 07:29
Forum: Textures
Topic: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures
Replies: 28
Views: 20124

Re: TRAPPIST-1 possible textures

John71, I would love to have a copy of the .zip or .rar file for your version of Trappist-1; it's far better than what was offered on the Celestia Motherlode.
by roninwolf1981
05.05.2018, 07:19
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Custom Science-Fiction Pictures from Celestia
Replies: 106
Views: 87103

Re: Custom Science-Fiction Pictures from Celestia

Thank you for that, but your previous post looked like you embedded image URLs from imgur. I tried that, but got the error that images were to be attachments only.
by roninwolf1981
05.05.2018, 06:15
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Custom Science-Fiction Pictures from Celestia
Replies: 106
Views: 87103

Re: Custom Science-Fiction Pictures from Celestia

I wish to participate in this discussion, but something is not allowing me to embed images into the text field like what PlutonianEmpire did...

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