Posts by Don. Edwards

by Don. Edwards
04.03.2019, 00:45
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth 18,000 BCE - A Work In Progress! - Nah it is finished!
Replies: 63
Views: 42715

Re: Earth 18,000 BCE - A Work In Progress! - Nah it is finished!

Yeah, I saw that, and it makes me wonder what else they might be hiding in there. I mean most virus scanners should pick up anything bd, but they could just have a script that opens your ports and weakens security so they can get in. So I might have to and them to take them down, or change the way t...
by Don. Edwards
24.02.2019, 05:54
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth 18,000 BCE - A Work In Progress! - Nah it is finished!
Replies: 63
Views: 42715

Re: Earth 18,000 BCE - A Work In Progress! - Nah it is finished!

Well, they are one up on me, as I don't even think I have any of these anymore. I always felt that the textures were open source, and now that it's like 15 years or more later, I would hardly feel it is needed for me to go after or request a take down. Besides, if they are the only remaining copies,...
by Don. Edwards
23.02.2019, 08:09
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth 18,000 BCE - A Work In Progress! - Nah it is finished!
Replies: 63
Views: 42715

Re: Earth 18,000 BCE - A Work In Progress! - Nah it is finished!

The person wanting to get ahold me did manage to get in touch, so that is all taken care of. Thanks
by Don. Edwards
22.12.2016, 01:22
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: What would Celestia look like if it had cloud shadows!
Replies: 12
Views: 8642

Re: What would Celestia look like if it had cloud shadows!

Back in the day when I was in the Celestia scene I had 16K cloudmaps that did cast shadows pretty darn good. They were based on the same data set as the ones you linked, but they had the missing polar data. There are a few ways to get the clouds to do what you want. It involves editing them in Photo...
by Don. Edwards
11.08.2016, 00:59
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Welcome to restored Celestia Forums
Replies: 39
Views: 61312

Re: Welcome to restored Celestia Forums

Well, who says the dead can't be resurrected. Interesting to see that someone actually tried to bring it back. I won't be active, but it is nice that I can at least point someone to the forum as a means of explaining the things I did in the past, even though all the imagery is gone. Sadly the loss o...
by Don. Edwards
17.03.2011, 23:27
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: does format affects hard drive
Replies: 11
Views: 11458

Re: does format affects hard drive

Probably the best thing you can do is image your hard drive. Its a form of backing up, but instead of just backing up certain files, imagining creates a compressed copy of your hard drives partition. If something catastrophic happens, you can then simply restore the image to your hard drive or a new...
by Don. Edwards
20.11.2010, 05:57
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: My Official farewell!
Replies: 8
Views: 8295

My Official farewell!

Hello Fellow Celestia Users, I decided to post this in this section as it just doesn't seem to fit anywhere else. Its been several months now since I returned from a hasty retreat from the site over personality issues with our intrepid moderator. I had hoped that the site would return to some normal...
by Don. Edwards
20.11.2010, 05:24
Forum: Textures
Topic: - Ultimate Terraformed Mars MARK VII -
Replies: 10
Views: 11342

Re: - Ultimate Terraformed Mars MARK VII -

Well folks its been been several months now, and still no return to site normalcy. Meaning Chris has utterly failed to returned all the account folders back to the site after the big hardware fiasco. This and the fact that there has been next to no interest in the release of the Terraformed Mars tex...
by Don. Edwards
10.08.2010, 06:54
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Hey John, That is a no, on all three apps. There are dedicated .pak file openers, but none of them work. My understanding is the the .pak files for AVATAR, were compressed and encrypted with a new format that has them locked down, at least for now. It may be possible someone will break the encryptio...
by Don. Edwards
09.08.2010, 04:44
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Hey Reiko, My Polyphemus is a heavily modified Jupiter texture, lets face the facts, its what they certainly did for allot of the scenes in the movie. My Pandora is as close as I can come from the one image we see of it. The rest of the surface and water is guess work. If i could extract the texture...
by Don. Edwards
07.08.2010, 07:18
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Well here is another updated image of what I called the movie planet, yeah, yeah, its Polyphemus and yes I am still working on it. It turned out the request to stop my AVATAR textures was bogus, it did not come from the original texture artist at all, but some one else that simply did not want me wo...
by Don. Edwards
19.07.2010, 10:03
Forum: Announcements
Topic: on new hardware
Replies: 12
Views: 31908

Re: on new hardware

Chris, Is there any kind of ETA on when our accounts will return to service or if in fact they will. It is going to impact many things, all my post images, any future downloads, ect... Finding off server storage isn't a problem but nearly 8 years of images in my posts are broken. Hope we get it all ...
by Don. Edwards
13.07.2010, 06:40
Forum: Textures
Topic: - Ultimate Terraformed Mars MARK VII -
Replies: 10
Views: 11342

Re: - Ultimate Terraformed Mars MARK VII - - Back in December of 2005 I started this texture project. It has had many incarnations and starts and stops along the way. I can now say that the project is in its final stages. The main Terraforme...
by Don. Edwards
13.07.2010, 05:03
Forum: Textures
Topic: - Ultimate Terraformed Mars MARK VII -
Replies: 10
Views: 11342

- Ultimate Terraformed Mars MARK VII -

Well I was going to make a post here with an announcement of the completion of the Terraformed Mars texture and upload a bunch of screen caps for everyone to have a look at. But I have found that my server account has been totally nuked, gone, nowhere to be found, so I guess I will be m...
by Don. Edwards
21.03.2010, 03:50
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

PlutonianEmpire, Ok, let me rephrase that. Earth like meaning a terrestrial about the size of Earth, not necessarily exactly Earth like. The term Earth like is getting used to much as far as I am concerned. I think it may be time to start bringing in terms like those used here.
by Don. Edwards
21.03.2010, 00:25
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Milosz21, Actually the consensus is that there can be planets around the stars of the Centaurs system. Thy don't believe there would be any gas giants but terrestrials are a very strong possibility. They can't be ruled out until we know it for fact. So while Cameron may not have got the facts right,...
by Don. Edwards
21.02.2010, 10:19
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Thought I would post a picture of an all new texture I am working on. I call it Islands in the Sky. It's about 1/3 done but looking very good so far. This picture is of the texture downsized from 16K so I could check it out in Celestia. Click the picture for the full size image. Enjoy! ;) http://216...
by Don. Edwards
12.02.2010, 11:04
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Well time for a few more pictures of the movie planets. I have included a compare as Milosz21 did. But have a real close look at my Pandora and compare it with the movie shot. Move! Mine! I think I h...
by Don. Edwards
08.02.2010, 07:30
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Just an updated picture of my big movie planet, I have reworked the texture extensively.


by Don. Edwards
30.01.2010, 07:04
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)
Replies: 1112
Views: 629255

Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Something I am working on, my take take on the big movie planets.:)




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