Posts by darius

by darius
19.04.2013, 14:33
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7259

Re: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?

Thank you very much for your kind support. Test now Gnuplot since spherical and cylindrical view is supported,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45373924,d.ZWU&bi...
by darius
11.04.2013, 12:47
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7259

Re: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?

Thanks for your kind replies. I exactly need to develop a new textures for the Earth, populated with geolocated places for meteor impact, earthquakes and view it (the texture only) from inside of the Earth ( from the centre). To watch spherical texture of the Earth from inside of the Earth . (not to...
by darius
10.04.2013, 14:09
Forum: Tutorials
Topic: Add your own plugin for both Lua Plug-ins and Lua Edu Tools
Replies: 23
Views: 32297

Re: Add your own plugin for both Lua Plug-ins and Lua Edu To

Thanks Jogad for your kind reply.

Just trying to work out how to watch extra Earth's texture from inside, as spherical texture viewer.
by darius
10.04.2013, 13:40
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7259

Re: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?

Thank you John for your kind reply. I plan to use Celestia and "from the inside of the Earth" as a viewer for geolocations, earthquakes, meteor impacts on the surface I tested basic Glimp manual drawing as a texture and it worked fine. Ok, conversion of cylindrical to spherical coordinates...
by darius
09.04.2013, 15:59
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7259

What app to edit images into spherical Earth texture ?

Hi, What app is ok to edit standard images into spherical Earth texture ? Can such texture be watched from inside of the Earth ? Just visited Creating Textures for Celestia 2.1.3: Projection software.
by darius
09.04.2013, 15:55
Forum: Development
Topic: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
Replies: 7
Views: 6420

Re: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor

does it mean this trajectory can be downloaded from a known web page
and installed in Celestia to be verified against registered videos ?
by darius
03.04.2013, 14:52
Forum: Development
Topic: How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor
Replies: 7
Views: 6420

How to develop trajectory for Chelyabinsk Meteor

Could you tell me how to develop trajectory for the Chelyabinsk Meteor, video recorded by a number of peers at geolocations based on the following compilation of videos to work for Celestia ? Compilation of recorded videos of the Chelyabinsk Meteor
by darius
27.03.2013, 16:26
Forum: Development
Topic: HTML5 Planetarium and Celestia integration ?
Replies: 2
Views: 4391

HTML5 Planetarium and Celestia integration ?

It looks like some basic elements of Celestia like slideshow add-on can be done in HTML5 Planetarium project via Javascript scripted slideshow. Not sure if developers of Planetarium have plans to implement 3D OpenGL objects to make it work more alike Celestia in a future. https://developer.mozilla.o...
by darius
26.03.2013, 16:37
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools
Replies: 6
Views: 12451

Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Thanks for your kind assistance.

Believe or not but I am trying to use Celestia to build the following geolocated animation of Sun Space Wind
by darius
25.03.2013, 17:06
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools
Replies: 6
Views: 12451

Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

First, learn how to make a slideshow reading the manual (I know! not a very new answer!) I did it > great manual in pdf format. Tried to test opening cel file in _slideshow.txt but get error on file opening and Celestia closes, trying to send error to Microsoft. My test cel file print ("test&q...
by darius
23.03.2013, 19:33
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools
Replies: 6
Views: 12451

Re: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Thanks jogad for your kind comments. I am trying to learn syntax of Slideshow txt file and have no idea what "symbol" is used to separate individual slides or to create a new slide. Downloaded downloaded updated t...
by darius
22.03.2013, 16:38
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools
Replies: 6
Views: 12451

Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools

Excellent Slideshow extras for Lua Edu Tools (tried to contact jogad via PM but failed) Just installed Slideshow and testing on slow PC. How to develop and view more slideshow animations as demos ? Could you provide web link for more demos ? Trying to learn syntax of _slidecatalog.txt and syntax of ...
by darius
20.03.2013, 17:03
Forum: Tutorials
Topic: Add your own plugin for both Lua Plug-ins and Lua Edu Tools
Replies: 23
Views: 32297

Re: Add your own plugin for both Lua Plug-ins and Lua Edu To


thank you for your excellent tutorial.

Trying to install slideshow (I am low on memory, 100% processor busy with Celestia run)

Tell me how fast can slides be updated to get an impression of live video ?

by darius
20.03.2013, 16:57
Forum: Textures
Topic: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet
Replies: 4
Views: 3973

Re: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

[/quote] do you have 6 to 8 4 Tb drives for the earth data about 12 to 32 terabits of storage and at least a 4 box xenon 8 core powered cluster to run the offline storage[/quote] John, nothing of this kind but I can view live telescope video on-the-fly I get satellite imaginery emailed from NASA and...
by darius
20.03.2013, 16:49
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for me ?
Replies: 2
Views: 9882

Re: How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for

This is mend purely for save/backup the existing config.lua. Just safety reasons for a later possible fall-back. Copy it to any place you like or indeed rename it eg. config.bkp Reason: by the installation that follows, the existing config.lua will be overwritten. After the installation there will ...
by darius
19.03.2013, 16:42
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for me ?
Replies: 2
Views: 9882

How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for me ?

How to install Lua Edu Tools 1.2 Addon Pack to work for me ? Tried few times and are not sure why went wrong. Could you tell me the following instruction in your own words and save the existing config.lua file that you have to another location. any location or what location is ok or can I just delet...
by darius
19.03.2013, 16:15
Forum: Textures
Topic: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet
Replies: 4
Views: 3973

Re: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Thanks John, from just where on " ? the internet?" nothing changes very fast You are exactly right. I get Earth's images from Nasa and need to configure Celestia to act as a smart viewer. I get Earth's satellite imaginery and need to use Celestia as a smart viewer. Since Celestia supports ...
by darius
18.03.2013, 16:46
Forum: Textures
Topic: Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet
Replies: 4
Views: 3973

Celestia + Lua-web-tools + textures from Internet

Hi, Interested to have textures refreshed, updated on-the-fly from the net. It looks like Lua-web-tools support Apache web server, mySql and more. Since I live on Win32 XP I plan to install cygwin, compile Lua-web-tools to keep downloading textures from Internet and have Celestia's Cel/ Celx / Lua s...

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