Posts by The Clickman

by The Clickman
17.04.2003, 16:53
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Time bug
Replies: 0
Views: 1878

Time bug

Look's strange. When you include Light Years Delay with '-', clock is becoming crazy : Select Earth and move 100000 light years - Clock is crazy ! Seems this can't support such a time 8)
by The Clickman
15.02.2003, 21:58
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug when i start celestia
Replies: 1
Views: 2079

Re: Bug when i start celestia

Have similar problem here, with a Radeon 7200 DDR. Can't use all dds maps for earth, just the main map (using for now, but this make Celestia failed when adding Night Texture or Clouds from the same source :-/ Using WinXP SP1 + DX9 too + ATI Catalyst 3.1 too (but have problem with 3....
by The Clickman
13.02.2003, 20:21
Forum: Bugs
Topic: bug au lancement de celestia
Replies: 2
Views: 2733

bug au lancement de celestia

Bonjour J'aimerais savoir pourquoi celestia plante lorsque je le lance ? J'ai Win98 1ere ?dition DirectX 8 OpenGL 1 Envoyez-moi votre r?ponse ? : Merci ? vous.[/i][/b] For non French speaking : He want to know why Celestia crash at startup. Use Win98 First Edition, DX8, Open GL 1 a...
by The Clickman
02.02.2003, 10:15
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Binary Systems
Replies: 7
Views: 5096

Binary System

My dream : see our Solar System as describe (and visible in the movie) in "2010, The year we make contact" :wink:
by The Clickman
02.12.2002, 20:26
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: winamp skin
Replies: 9
Views: 6833

me too !

for me too please ! -> :D
by The Clickman
11.11.2002, 09:42
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Celestia 1.2.5pre7 / Eclipse shadow bug (again)
Replies: 5
Views: 4179

Celestia 1.2.5pre7 / Eclipse shadow bug (again)

Eclipse shadow bug still occurs on my board - shadow if visible on both side of the planet.
Using : 1.2.5pre7 / ATI Radeon (7200) / WinXP Home

(Note : but now last snapshot from CVS perfectly compile on my Linux mdk9/gcc3.2. Thanks)
by The Clickman
31.10.2002, 12:18
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Urgent Requests
Replies: 10
Views: 6669

Re: Urgent Requests

don't foget this if gravity and effect of light speed barrier (something we can call -> jumping to hyperspace !) :

like Starwars, effect will stop and traveller will slow if there is a gravity mass near - entering a system... or if you set up an "Interdictor" somewhere in space *gg*
by The Clickman
23.10.2002, 20:15
Forum: Bugs
Topic: trying to compile celestia (from CVS) on Mandrake 9
Replies: 2
Views: 3130

Re: trying to compile celestia (from CVS) on Mandrake 9

not yet able to compile celestia from CVS.. (same problem)
I hope you will have time to make it work. take your time Chris !
by The Clickman
12.10.2002, 08:41
Forum: Bugs
Topic: trying to compile celestia (from CVS) on Mandrake 9
Replies: 2
Views: 3130

trying to compile celestia (from CVS) on Mandrake 9

get this while compiling : g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -O2 -Wall -ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -c buildstardb.cpp buildstardb.cpp: In function `void BuildMultistarSystemCatalog()': buildstardb.cpp:926: cannot convert `__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<HipparcosStar*, std...
by The Clickman
23.09.2002, 18:21
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Pre 4 display bug
Replies: 18
Views: 12501

another thing

Another thing I find : enabling comets trails using Ctrl-T key reset magnitude limit to 10.0 automatically..
by The Clickman
23.09.2002, 16:59
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Pre 4 display bug
Replies: 18
Views: 12501

Pre 4 display bug

get a strange display when looking at Saturn using 1.2.5 pre 4. using ATI All in Wonder [Radeon 7200 chip] on Win2k. Waiting for 1.2.6 with OpenGL 1.4, to see on my card specular and many others thing ! :-)) thanks Chris !
by The Clickman
14.09.2002, 06:28
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Language-Pack for Celestia?
Replies: 3
Views: 3482


why not making a ".scl" file containing resources for translation ? something like celestia_menu_bar { FILE = "Fichier" FILE_OPENSCRIPT = "Ouvrir Script..." ... } celestia_interface { SPEED = "Vitesse" ... } or XML like translation like Winamp 3... and use strings from this file instead of normal st...
by The Clickman
06.09.2002, 10:30
Forum: Development
Topic: Here is a new stars database for Celestia
Replies: 25
Views: 17087

New catalog

Looks good, but if we looking the entire database, look like a sphere with a disc on the plan of the galaxy ! :-)

this is normal ?

good work !
by The Clickman
12.06.2002, 16:17
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Celestia 1.2.4 won't start under XP
Replies: 26
Views: 17461

He ho !

:twisted: Please stop this ! This is not a forum to speak about which language we have to use here. It's about this wonderful program call Celestia ! Please stop speaking about this ! This is NOT the correct place. Thanks. (Note : I'm French too, and both made mistakes in your french posts !) :twist...
by The Clickman
11.06.2002, 18:31
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: je suis francais
Replies: 15
Views: 12503

Re: je suis francais

je suis francais aussi ! :-)

so many frenchs users of Celestia ! :-)
by The Clickman
31.05.2002, 07:29
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: WOUAH !!!
Replies: 5
Views: 5129

Ou ca ???

Kendrix wrote:Where can I find it ???

Ou puis-je la trouver ???

check here :
thanks to Marc !
by The Clickman
30.05.2002, 15:34
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: WOUAH !!!
Replies: 5
Views: 5129

De rien ;o)

Now I get sources then I will try to implement new moving system. .. Center mode is perfect, but free mode is unpleseant. I think I will replace it with a mode I build for my own simulator. It's a king of God mode, which allow to move very fast to any point, like a very speedy starship. I think I w...
by The Clickman
10.05.2002, 12:40
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: the tails of comets
Replies: 1
Views: 3157

the tails of comets

mechano wrote:I miss one thing in the sky of celestia, where are the talis of comets

I remember that Comets tails are plan in future release. Be Patient ! :wink:
by The Clickman
01.05.2002, 07:49
Forum: Development
Topic: School Tour Possibility
Replies: 4
Views: 4943

Re: School Tour Possibility

It would be nice in a future version if some kind of sub-program was available for creating .cel files without having to type them - I am imagining some kind of drop-down choose command/object menu system.... until then, if anyone could provide more advice Id much appreciate it ! Another idea : a "...
by The Clickman
07.04.2002, 07:26
Forum: Development
Topic: Gas giant textures by me
Replies: 15
Views: 13421

Animated Texture for Giant Gas ?

:idea: Asking myself if it's possible to make some animated texture like some animated GIF (somethink like this, but don't know if this will be possible with GIF cause of color limitation...) for Giant Gas... For example, to watch the red spot on Jupiter with a rotation and a movment when syncing or...

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