Posts by Talion'h Kaärd

by Talion'h Kaärd
23.08.2002, 07:52
Forum: Development
Topic: If you can't go to the mountain, ...
Replies: 5
Views: 4644

Re: If you can't go to the mountain, ...

oupsss, it was me above :wink:
This is the traduction for french:

J'aurais bien aim?, mais je n'ai pas trouv? la fonction qui le permettait. Et mon petit projet me tient toujours ? coeur
by Talion'h Kaärd
21.06.2002, 09:44
Forum: Development
Topic: Where find docs about .ssc and others
Replies: 2
Views: 3383

Re: Where find docs about .ssc and others

:D Well ... Have you see my request (Post with subject "mountain blablabla ...) I do my pub :P I would want some opinions about it !!! For newbies like me, or confirmed like ... the others :D Have a good day [traduction] :D OK, vous avez lu mon post ? celui sur "si la montagne ne va pas ? toi ...) J...
by Talion'h Kaärd
20.06.2002, 09:36
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: je suis francais
Replies: 15
Views: 12459

Re: je suis francais

Moi aussi, i'm french :P
Bienvenue ici (enfin je suis l? que depuis 2 jours :wink:
Inscris toi en tant que membre, tu ne seras plus guest

Bonne journ?e

ps: D'o? en France ?
by Talion'h Kaärd
20.06.2002, 07:19
Forum: Development
Topic: If you can't go to the mountain, ...
Replies: 5
Views: 4644

If you can't go to the mountain, ...

... The mountain will come to you Well, I'm trying to create a doc about adding planets, objects, stars, etc ... in Celestia. But I don't know how to do. Peurhaps we can do a "Wiki", where everybody can add something, identified in specifical subject, like "how to ..." Is can accept it ...
by Talion'h Kaärd
19.06.2002, 11:31
Forum: Development
Topic: Where find docs about .ssc and others
Replies: 2
Views: 3383

Where find docs about .ssc and others

Hello forum. Excuse me for my english, I come from France :? All right, I think this question has been post so many time, but I try again :D . Ok, first, Celestia is a absolutly fabulous for dreamers and/or those who want a visual acceptation of the Univers. Like me ! So, I try to make some planets ...

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