Posts by Declan Royce

by Declan Royce
09.11.2002, 00:03
Forum: Development
Topic: Unable to create extrasolar moons?
Replies: 11
Views: 7471

Thanks all

It was a foolish mistake. Thanks all so much for helping. I will post a picture of what I was trying to do. Just a nice moon at sunset for my girlfriend. It's the vulcanic moon I found on the hub. I think it's one of the coolest night textures going. I also know it's not realistic to put it around a...
by Declan Royce
08.11.2002, 22:06
Forum: Development
Topic: Unable to create extrasolar moons?
Replies: 11
Views: 7471

Nothing yet

I tried all recommended courses of action. I am going to paste the actual code in and someone tell me what is wrong. "Maureen" "XI Boo" { Texture "Maureen.jpg" HazeColor [ 0.5 0.35 0.2 ] HazeDensity 0.70 Radius 6052 Atmosphere { Height 400 Lower [ 0.5 0.5 0.65 ] Upper [ 0.3 0.3 0.6 ] Sky [ 0.3 0.6 0...
by Declan Royce
08.11.2002, 04:20
Forum: Development
Topic: Unable to create extrasolar moons?
Replies: 11
Views: 7471


I will clarify, I would love to believe it is simply that my units are out of wack and my moon is being drawn in strange positions or orbits, etc. But even in that case, right clicking on the parent body would result in a menu that contained the name of the associated moon. As far as the particular ...
by Declan Royce
08.11.2002, 02:35
Forum: Development
Topic: Unable to create extrasolar moons?
Replies: 11
Views: 7471

Unable to create extrasolar moons?

I am well versed in creating objects in our own system, but I am having problems creating moons around extrasolar planets, even ones I have created. I have several extrasolar systems from other designers, and even when I replace file names, the objects cease to exist. I assume this is a simple probl...
by Declan Royce
29.06.2002, 16:52
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: No Bump Mapping? Help.
Replies: 19
Views: 10703


I'm using windows XP, and everything else about the card seems to work.
by Declan Royce
29.06.2002, 16:45
Forum: Bugs
Topic: No Bump Mapping w/ Evil Kyro in XP
Replies: 4
Views: 4431


The OS is XP, all updated and ready to go.
by Declan Royce
29.06.2002, 05:37
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Wrong positioned ISS
Replies: 5
Views: 4800

I'll give you the moon...

The answer to that question is that the Orbit of the Moon is (more or less) constant, and has been for the past couple of years at least. The ISS constantly undergoes orbital maneuvers which alter it's altitude, thus altering it's speed. With a complicated orbit like that, we would be talking about ...
by Declan Royce
29.06.2002, 05:26
Forum: Bugs
Topic: No Bump Mapping w/ Evil Kyro in XP
Replies: 4
Views: 4431

No Bump Mapping w/ Evil Kyro in XP

I am using Celestia on an "Evil Kyro" 64mb video card. I have definitely verified that it is supposed to support two modes of bump mapping, but I don't see anything. I have the latest drivers, I know there are bumpmaps associated with certain moons and planets, and yet I see nothing. Is this just so...
by Declan Royce
29.06.2002, 05:18
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: No Bump Mapping? Help.
Replies: 19
Views: 10703

Still no bumps!

First off, I have definitely verified that the Evil Kyro card supports two modes of bumpmapping. I did what you said and I still don't see any bumps. Close to the planet, it is smooth, far away, there is no texture. It's just ...
by Declan Royce
29.06.2002, 00:18
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: No Bump Mapping? Help.
Replies: 19
Views: 10703

No Bump Mapping? Help.

I am using Celestia on an "Evil Kyro" 64mb video card. Does it not support the bump mapping or is it something I'm doing wrong. It's not that old, and it should be on par with the GeForce 2 or thereabouts.

I want bumbs.

by Declan Royce
27.06.2002, 03:03
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Chris, I think the SiS 650 chipset rots...
Replies: 0
Views: 2436

Chris, I think the SiS 650 chipset rots...

I'm an experienced celestia user, and the entire HP pavillion series of computers ships with the SiS 650 chipset, 32 megs of shared video memory, Windows XP. I'm running a P4 1.6 GHz system, and I found much more stability (though insanely slow response) with an old pentium 1 laptop! What happens is...
by Declan Royce
17.06.2002, 22:09
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How do I create a scenic orbit?
Replies: 2
Views: 3142

Thanks Chris

Thanks a lot Chris. I appreciate the answer. Abiogenesis also came up with a clever answer. He suggested I add a new orbit around the planet like this: :idea: "Orbit" "Sol/Mars" { Radius 0.000001 EllipticalOrbit { Period 0.003 # 300 orbits per Martian day SemiMajorAxis 3744 # Distance from Center of...
by Declan Royce
16.06.2002, 02:48
Forum: Development
Topic: How do I produce a scenic orbit?
Replies: 8
Views: 9054

Abiogenesis has the skills to pay the bills!

Sir I commend you! This is absolutely what I wanted! And it was so simple! In my mind I was thinking of invisible spacecraft, imaginary means of TRICKING Celestia, but you worked with the system and produced the most amazing result with a simple...what...three or four lines of code? I am so pleased....
by Declan Royce
15.06.2002, 15:58
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How do I create a scenic orbit?
Replies: 2
Views: 3142

How do I create a scenic orbit?

How do I go about producing an orbit around a given planet (usually Mars) that is realistic, simply for the purpose of observation. I tried tracking a spacecraft around earth, but there is drift because of the spacecraft's own rotation. So I need to produce an artificial "invisible" spacecraft at ab...
by Declan Royce
15.06.2002, 15:44
Forum: Development
Topic: How do I produce a scenic orbit?
Replies: 8
Views: 9054

Not quite, but very close...

While that is exactly the effect I'm looking for (scrolling planet, camera on the horizon) I want to move around the planet, not just let the planet move under me at an accelerated rate. The problem is that the stars don't move, so that's why following the planet doesn't quite work. I think that fol...
by Declan Royce
15.06.2002, 01:29
Forum: Development
Topic: How do I produce a scenic orbit?
Replies: 8
Views: 9054

How do I produce a scenic orbit?

How do I go about producing an orbit around a given planet (usually Mars) that is realistic, simply for the purpose of observation. I tried tracking a spacecraft around earth, but there is drift because of the spacecraft's own rotation. So I need to produce an artificial "invisible" spacecraft at ab...

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