Posts by abiogenesis

by abiogenesis
27.11.2003, 22:54
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Theory in we're getting technical
Replies: 20
Views: 17150

Re: Theory in we're getting technical

wcomer- The best thing about quaternions, in my experience (game programming), is that they interpolate nicely. Because quaternions exist in a "spherical" space, when you interpolate between them you get smooth transitions, unlike with matrices. 3D character animation generally makes heavy use of qu...
by abiogenesis
03.09.2003, 20:33
Forum: Textures
Topic: 32k BlueMarble Virtual Earth Texture is now available
Replies: 146
Views: 82937

Re: 32k BlueMarble Virtual Earth Texture is now available

I made a 32k virtual texture from the BlueMarble images, myself, a while back. What I'd really like is a 32k version with the arctic ice in place. The BlueMarble texture looks kind of artificial. Does anyone know of a more realistic high-res earth texture? Out of curiosity, do you know which compres...
by abiogenesis
14.08.2003, 16:51
Forum: Development
Topic: Realism and animation
Replies: 5
Views: 4152

Re: Realism and animation

I remember a thread where Chris was asking about alternative 3D file formats (I can't seem to find the thread at the moment...). One of the features he was looking for was the ability to include animation data in the model files. Since I can't find the thread, I don't know what the results of his se...
by abiogenesis
29.07.2003, 19:54
Forum: Development
Topic: Question regarding gotoloc script command
Replies: 25
Views: 13423

Re: Question regarding gotoloc script command

What's really needed to clarify Celestia's various coordinate systems is a set of diagrams . . . Would something like this do? Admittedly, it's not very pretty but does it convey the necessary information? If so, I could whip up similar diagrams for...
by abiogenesis
29.07.2003, 01:00
Forum: Development
Topic: Question regarding gotoloc script command
Replies: 25
Views: 13423

Re: Question regarding gotoloc script command

My bad! :oops: Of course, you're right! I always got those terms confused! Eigen is german for "to own", Euler was the mathematician. I apologize for my brain fart. Anyway, although my terms may have been wrong, it appears that my understanding of the concept was sound. Eigen vectors are useful in l...
by abiogenesis
29.07.2003, 00:04
Forum: Development
Topic: Question regarding gotoloc script command
Replies: 25
Views: 13423

Re: Question regarding gotoloc script command

Hey, don- I'm not talking from Celestia scripting experience, but rather from 3D graphics programming, so take this with a grain of sodium chloride. :wink: Position will be the 3D vector specifying the cartesian position of the observer. It's just like plotting a point on a 3D graph. X, Y, and Z. I ...
by abiogenesis
27.07.2003, 19:37
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Asteroid belt files
Replies: 12
Views: 10256

Re: Asteroid belt files

Sure, billybob. You have a website. Perhaps you could mirror them there.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
27.07.2003, 18:36
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Asteroid belt files
Replies: 12
Views: 10256

Re: Asteroid belt files

Done. These are pretty interesting files, so they should be mirrored somewhere. I haven't looked, so I don't know if they are. If they aren't, they should be.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
26.07.2003, 05:49
Forum: Textures
Topic: Better Earth textur than blue marbel!!!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 4290

Re: Better Earth textur than blue marbel!!!!!

You guys are all making incorrect assumptions of how textures are used in games. The textures in MS CFS III (and definitely those before) are not specifically based on imaging of the Earth. Using a Blue-Marble type texture, for instance, would be very inefficient for the requirements of a game. The ...
by abiogenesis
17.07.2003, 16:52
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Orbits problem
Replies: 3
Views: 3140

Re: Orbits problem

Currently, orbits are drawn behind everything. It's not really a bug, per se, and I believe Chris has a solution in mind and plans to implement it for 1.3.2.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
17.07.2003, 01:34
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Those wacky Extrasolar Planets
Replies: 5
Views: 6002

Re: Those wacky Extrasolar Planets

I've always taken the oposite view that if its not disproven its still possible. True, absence of proof is not proof of absence. However, there are fundamental problems with denying the importance of evidence. I consider myself a "positivist". That is, if the theory fits observation, it is useful. ...
by abiogenesis
11.07.2003, 03:47
Forum: Petit Bistro Entropy
Topic: Sex sense
Replies: 4
Views: 7468

Re: Sex sense

I have no reservations in answering your poll, though I fear some may take offense at so personal a question.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
11.07.2003, 03:18
Forum: Textures
Topic: Chris Normal Map Converter Code (nm16)
Replies: 24
Views: 14697

Re: Chris Normal Map Converter Code (nm16)

I downloaded the .cpp file and built it under Windows. The only problem I ran into was that the math.h header wasn't included. After adding the include, it compiled fine. I don't have any source images to try it out but, as far as I know, the stdin/sdiout "piping" tricks work in Windows as well as x...
by abiogenesis
10.07.2003, 04:23
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: how do I save my options
Replies: 7
Views: 4584

Re: how do I save my options

It looks like that was the problem. For some reason, it seems that everytime I start Celestia, the following check boxes become checked: Orbit / Moons Orbit / Planets That's a remnant of the way orbits used to work. There's an overall "draw orbits" option, specified by the Orbits checkbox, and an o...
by abiogenesis
09.07.2003, 20:14
Forum: Textures
Topic: Normal maps X Bump maps
Replies: 18
Views: 13212

Re: Normal maps X Bump maps

t00fri wrote:No need for all this. Just convert the grayscale to RGB and proceed.

Yes, of course! I had forgotten about that. Much simpler. Like I said, though, I can't use Photoshop at the moment so I was speaking from memory. Thanks for the assist, Fridger!

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
09.07.2003, 20:09
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia System Editor
Replies: 14
Views: 11641

Re: Celestia System Editor

RichText is just a markup language, like html (but uglier), to provide more formating for text. The RICHTX32.OCX file contains all the code needed for windows to use the Rich Text ActiveX control. It's harmless. You could probably find the file for download from Microsoft even. I thought it was incl...
by abiogenesis
09.07.2003, 19:26
Forum: Textures
Topic: Normal maps X Bump maps
Replies: 18
Views: 13212

Re: Normal maps X Bump maps

I know that i dont get the info, i tryed it. so how do I do that(duplicate)? I haven't thought abou that. good idea, thanks. Unfortunately, my PC is going through some tough times at the moment and I am unable to run Photoshop. :cry: But, if I remember correctly, there is a panel that you can view ...
by abiogenesis
09.07.2003, 15:30
Forum: Textures
Topic: Normal maps X Bump maps
Replies: 18
Views: 13212

Re: Normal maps X Bump maps

as far as i know, you can't do a normalmap from a bumpmap in the photoshop. the programs needs 3 or 4 different channels(RGB, R, G, B). bumpmaps don't have 3 or 4, so you have to make the normalmaps from the surface maps. I think. Making normal maps from surface textures is not going to provide the...
by abiogenesis
09.07.2003, 02:10
Forum: Textures
Topic: Normal maps X Bump maps
Replies: 18
Views: 13212

Re: Normal maps X Bump maps

One other thing I should point out: The method given above is the current "standard" method of generating normal maps. There are, however, some interesting, if unconventional, methods being investigated by certain other individuals on the forum. These new methods involve keeping a much higher level ...
by abiogenesis
09.07.2003, 01:54
Forum: Textures
Topic: Normal maps X Bump maps
Replies: 18
Views: 13212

Re: Normal maps X Bump maps

Harpeum wrote:And can I create a normal map from bump map. Maybe using photoshop?

Exactly. nVidia provides a command-line utility and a photoshop plug-in that do just that. You can find them here:

Photoshop plug-in

Command-line utility

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