Posts by Ton Lindemann

by Ton Lindemann
19.02.2005, 18:54
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!
Replies: 8
Views: 8782

Re: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!

Folks, The Celestia world weather satellite textures are moving to a new folder on march 1, 2005: The new URL will be: cheers, Ton Lindemann Netherlands BTW: Is there any interest in having a daily (00 UTC) sea level pressure map for use in Celestia?
by Ton Lindemann
05.01.2005, 11:26
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!
Replies: 8
Views: 8782

Re: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!

To all,

The daily upload of satellite based earth images was temporary aborted because of system maintenances. Services resumes today (January 5th).


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
07.12.2004, 13:01
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Live internet weather
Replies: 12
Views: 9918

Re: Live internet weather

To all, I'm sorry, but life weather in 3D is impossible, it is a dream that would be forever. It is not available. Not in any forecast model and not from satellite. Satellite data is always 2D; you can't make 3D from it. Why: IR is only mapping surface temperatures it can see, not mapping the temper...
by Ton Lindemann
06.12.2004, 12:02
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Live internet weather
Replies: 12
Views: 9918

Re: Live internet weather


Maybe a bit confusing, but both are IR images. I made one version in false colors to show cold cloudtops and one version as 'speudo-visual'. But actually they are both IR based and superimposed on a world map.


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
20.11.2004, 20:09
Forum: Textures
Topic: Request for astrogeologic maps
Replies: 4
Views: 3391

Re: Request for astrogeologic maps


For better understanding, "geo" is refering to earth. Astrogeologic and astrostratigraphic refers to "geologic" maps of other celestial bodies. Thus: have anyone a source with cylindrical geologic maps of planets and moons?


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
20.11.2004, 14:44
Forum: Textures
Topic: Request for astrogeologic maps
Replies: 4
Views: 3391

Request for astrogeologic maps


Does anyone have sources for cylindrical astrogeologic/astrostratigraphic maps of earth, planets and moons?


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
20.11.2004, 14:39
Forum: Textures
Topic: New textures for motherlode
Replies: 1
Views: 2444

New textures for motherlode


I've uploaded new textures to the motherlode:

vesta (basalt, topo, lok),
titan topo,
gaspra geologic,
phoebe lok (from Voyager).

I don't know when they available for download;


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
20.11.2004, 14:36
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Ida
Replies: 2
Views: 2328


Hello; I was trying to create a geological texture for Ida, but it seems that the orientation of Ida in Celestia is upside down. P. Stooke's Ida north seems equal to Celestia's Ida south! Is this right, or did I missed something? Can anybody explain? Anyway it seems that you should rotate your Ida-t...
by Ton Lindemann
20.11.2004, 14:26
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Live internet weather
Replies: 12
Views: 9918

Re: Live internet weather

You should also take a look at:

This site is offering as set of satellite imaging tools to plot, animate and rotate geostationary weather satellite images and polar orbiters as well!


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
20.11.2004, 14:22
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Live internet weather
Replies: 12
Views: 9918

Re: Live internet weather


If, then please don't forget Meteosat! Anyway a daily service (only for 12 UTC and IR and worldcover) is available from my site. Look at textures for daily IR service.


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
12.11.2004, 20:11
Forum: Textures
Topic: Vesta maps
Replies: 2
Views: 3490

Re: Vesta maps


Thanks, I installed image magick and need to study the commandline options first.


Ton Lindemann
by Ton Lindemann
12.11.2004, 18:57
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!
Replies: 8
Views: 8782

Re: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!

Folks, The earth speudo-visual (simmulated visual) is available now, but only once a day as with the earth-ir and only for 12 UTC. Filename convention identical as the infrared version; earth-cl[yymmdd].jpg, thus earth-cl041112.jpg URL: Both...
by Ton Lindemann
12.11.2004, 15:30
Forum: Textures
Topic: Vesta maps
Replies: 2
Views: 3490

Vesta maps

Hello, I found and prepared some Vesta textures from the HST. Available are: -vesta-lok -vesta-lok-mask -vesta-topo Here I need some help. As a new user I'm not familair with Celestia. I can't display them with vesta_altmaps.ssc example; AltSurface "Topography" "sol/vesta" { Texture "vesta-topo.*" }...
by Ton Lindemann
08.11.2004, 12:16
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!
Replies: 8
Views: 8782

Re: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!

Seb, This is a good conclusion. In general airmasses, or maybe better weathersystems as high's and low's are moving east on earth at mid latitudes. But moving west near the equator (look at e.g. hurricans: traffeling from Africa to the Carribean and there via North America to the northern Atlantic/E...
by Ton Lindemann
04.11.2004, 20:05
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Eclips bug?
Replies: 3
Views: 2276

Re: Eclips bug?

Selden, Thanks for your answer. My screen is set on 1024*768 and soon as I go to a telescopic view with a smaller field as 18° then the sun's disc is larger in any mode. I didn't use the scaled disk option, but tried the two others. In both other options moondisc's are smaller at greater maginificat...
by Ton Lindemann
04.11.2004, 14:00
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Some requests
Replies: 0
Views: 1314

Some requests

Hello, I'm not sure if it was a bug, but I reported as it was. I found that the moon was much to smal, or the sun to large, during a view of the solar eclips of 11 august 1999 in Europa. The moon can't cover the sun, while I was searching if Celestia shows some corona effects during the eclips. Anyw...
by Ton Lindemann
04.11.2004, 13:36
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Eclips bug?
Replies: 3
Views: 2276

Eclips bug?

Hello, I was checking out the European 11 aug 1999 solar eclips and found that the moon is very much to smal to cover sun (or is the sun to large?). What you get is a 'ring of fire'. Set Celestia 1.3.2 to 11 aug 1999 at 49N-6E around 10:30 UTC and watch the eclips from earth surface. It should be to...
by Ton Lindemann
04.11.2004, 12:37
Forum: Textures
Topic: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!
Replies: 8
Views: 8782

Re: Earth in IR, every day refreshed!

Hi, What you actualy see is a temperature map of the earth for a given time. On the raw images/data cold is represented as white and heat is black. Thus the cold cloudtops appears as white and the heat of the deserts as black. The satellite is measuring the radiation from the surfaces he can see. It...
by Ton Lindemann
30.10.2004, 19:44
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia 1.4.0 prerelease
Replies: 38
Views: 23838

Graphic card

Thanks Selden,

I will switch the discussion to the your FAQ-list.


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