Posts by rra

by rra
15.04.2008, 11:28
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Posting now permitted by registered users only
Replies: 28
Views: 94661

Re: Posting now permitted by registered users only

since we have the new phpBB forum it seems we now have bot-users: this is a sample of the list of actiuve users of April 15: Registered users: Andy74, ElChristou, Google [Bot], Majestic-12 [Bot], MSN [Bot], Yahoo [Bot] Legend: Administrators, Global moderators Is there something to block these users...
by rra
15.04.2008, 10:46
Forum: Development
Topic: turning planetshine on/off
Replies: 1
Views: 2989

turning planetshine on/off

To show the effect of planetshine, the most obvious way would be too look at the differences between Celestia with planetshine turned on and Celestia with Planetshine turned off. I read somewhere in this forum that a temporary switch is used (control-X) to enable/disable ther planetshine. Cartrite's...
by rra
20.03.2008, 17:01
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Vista Home Basic / Celestia
Replies: 3
Views: 2996

Re: Vista Home Basic / Celestia

I don't think this has anything to do
with the Vista version,
my guess would be that you don't have openGL 2.0
hardware support, or possibly limited support.

What video-chipset do you have on your laptop.
You can show the openGL capabilitis using /help/openGLinfo menu.

by rra
20.03.2008, 11:13
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Stars far from home
Replies: 60
Views: 55395

Re: Stars far from home

Will an executable do? I can keep an ongoing updated executable that can replace the original from 1.5.0. If and when my website is accessible that is. It seems to be going down a lot again. cartrite That would be a GREAT idea for those of us too lazy (or dumb) to compile the things. Would be much ...
by rra
20.03.2008, 10:59
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: windows vista home basic SP1 & directX 10
Replies: 5
Views: 3991

Re: windows vista home basic SP1 & directX 10

You should update your signature, not to confuse your posting.
But regardless of you signature,
I still don't know what you are trying to say ??

by rra
19.03.2008, 19:49
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: windows vista home basic SP1 & directX 10
Replies: 5
Views: 3991

Re: windows vista home basic SP1 & directX 10

Symaski62 , what are you trying to say ??
Anyway , you have a very old NVIDIA driver (81.12 beta)
169.44 is the latest I believe

by rra
18.03.2008, 11:31
Forum: Ideas & News
Topic: Planetshine
Replies: 57
Views: 46048

Re: Planetshine

this is already very impressive, Chris

one question:
will the planetshine (implicitly) include also "moonshine" ??

by rra
24.02.2008, 08:00
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Best Way to Install Celestia under Windows Vista Home Basic
Replies: 8
Views: 5894

Re: Best Way to Install Celestia under Windows Vista Home Basic

actually, there is no problem installing Celestia in Vista. It will create sub-dirs and files in the "program files", if you then decide to change some of the file e.g. editing the solorsys.ssc you get this annoying warning of the Vista build-in UAC , asking for confirmation. No big deal if you edit...
by rra
13.02.2008, 18:42
Forum: Bugs
Topic: possible win vista bug with multiple .ssc
Replies: 15
Views: 11357

Re: possible win vista bug with multiple .ssc

Actually, you can do that by running Celestia as administrator - or by taking ownership of the executable's folder. The real trick is to not put any program with a lot of config files that will be manually modified a lot, like *.ssc files - i.e. for testing purpose - in the standard "program files"...
by rra
11.01.2008, 11:25
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: enlarging the Sun's size
Replies: 11
Views: 7170

Re: enlarging the Sun's size

indeed ,

thanks for the tip !!

by rra
10.01.2008, 15:16
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: enlarging the Sun's size
Replies: 11
Views: 7170

Re: enlarging the Sun's size

other option would be to use Vincent's latest
lua tools,
it has a magnification options for the planets (I believe 200 times)

by rra
21.12.2007, 16:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5
Replies: 50
Views: 36855

Re: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5

Bob ,

I have the 32-bit Vista home-edition,
and I realy don't do anything special
when installing the Celestia program.
I only get the UAC interaction once, asking for confirmation,
then al goes without my interference.
Celestia then runs "out of the box"

Good luck,

by rra
21.12.2007, 12:29
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5
Replies: 50
Views: 36855

Re: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5

Selden , If the system is centrally administered, the group security profiles and/or directory protections might have been changed recently to keep people from downloading and unintentionally installing malware. Yes, at our office we do have group policies and such, but this fact is not very likely ...
by rra
21.12.2007, 07:08
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5
Replies: 50
Views: 36855

Re: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5

The administrator rights are caused by the installation itself on my

No No Bob, I was taking about a regular windowsXP
system where the admin rights suddenly are required.
On my Vista system at home, there was no trouble installing
latest Celestia-pack
Any thoughts ??
by rra
20.12.2007, 07:22
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5
Replies: 50
Views: 36855

Re: Celestia 1.5.0 prerelease 5

Thanks Chris, for this newest Celestia version, however (there is allways a however) when trying to install the program on my windows machine at work the installer says it needs administrator rights which I don't have. In earler version there was no need for administrator rights. Why does this versi...
by rra
19.12.2007, 11:57
Forum: Development
Topic: Does Celestia supports jpeg2000 lossless??
Replies: 42
Views: 25692

Re: Does Celestia supports jpeg2000 lossless??

The format is extremely complex and Celestia implements only a


I guess you are kidding about BMP being extremely complex
right ??

by rra
17.12.2007, 18:28
Forum: Development
Topic: Does Celestia supports jpeg2000 lossless??
Replies: 42
Views: 25692

Re: Does Celestia supports jpeg2000 lossless??

unfortunately JPG2000-lossless compresses
only marginally better then PNG , and compresses/decompresses
also a lot slower,
so I think this is not the way to go for Celestia

by rra
11.11.2007, 12:22
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Dual core?
Replies: 25
Views: 14370

Re: Dual core?

OK, your are proving my point: it is not specific Microsoft that does this, it is far more general. I also think that companies are bringing out product 's too fast, fortunately, in general, the updates are free. As far as Celestia is concerned, nobody has the right to complain, because it is open a...
by rra
11.11.2007, 08:47
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Dual core?
Replies: 25
Views: 14370

Re: Dual core?

never buy the first release of anything from Microsoft I really don't know why a lot of are nagging (to say the least) about Microsoft, of course a first product of Microsoft will contain bugs, but doesn't that apply for ANY product, software or hardware, even our own Celestia has bugs, also the "o...
by rra
30.10.2007, 18:28
Forum: Development
Topic: Windows Vista Peculiarities and Adjustments
Replies: 30
Views: 21904

Re: Windows Vista Peculiarities and Adjustments

A lot, if not all problems described are due to the fact that windows doesn't allow data to be placed in the program files directory. That is part of the security system (UAC) , and can be turned off completely, or partly I believe. To enhance compatibility and still use UAC microsoft implemented a ...

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