Posts by kaycea

by kaycea
08.12.2004, 00:29
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia questionnaire--help needed!
Replies: 7
Views: 4515

Re: Celestia questionnaire--help needed!

In my attempt to be concise, I seem to have only succeeded in causing confusion. Please refer to this webpage if you are interested in the project details. Selden, I agree that this set of questions is probably not the best to extract the sort of in...
by kaycea
06.12.2004, 23:25
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia usage questionnaire--volunteers needed!
Replies: 8
Views: 5030

Re: Celestia usage questionnaire--volunteers needed!

I tested the questionnaire myself but didn't get any pop-ups. My Google toolbar for IE probably blocked them all. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this causes anyone, but again, questionnaire feedback is greatly appreciated.
by kaycea
06.12.2004, 16:47
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia usage questionnaire--volunteers needed!
Replies: 8
Views: 5030

Re: Celestia usage questionnaire--volunteers needed!

Hi Bob, Maybe it was the free questionnaire service that seemed "shady"? I'm doing this as part of an assignment for a software testing and QA class. There is no money to be earned here, although a decent grade would be nice! :) The operational profile is simply to guage which features in Celestia i...
by kaycea
06.12.2004, 07:32
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia usage questionnaire--volunteers needed!
Replies: 8
Views: 5030

Celestia usage questionnaire--volunteers needed!

Hello, I am looking to do an operational profile for Celestia to see which features are most used by Celestia developers, new users, students, etc. Hopefully the results will be of some benefit to the community. Please help me by filling out a the questionnaire at:
by kaycea
06.12.2004, 07:26
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia questionnaire--help needed!
Replies: 7
Views: 4515

Celestia questionnaire--help needed!

Hi, I am looking for some Celestia developers to fill out a quick questionnaire for me in the next couple of days. I want to see if there are differences between how software developers use Celestia as opposed to people who are not involved with the programming aspect of this product. This is a scho...
by kaycea
16.09.2004, 03:38
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia add-on by AstroBoy
Replies: 6
Views: 4612

Re: Celestia add-on by AstroBoy

Hi Joe, Thanks for the link to Grant's page--he has lots of good resources there. I was not able to find a spreadsheet calculator that converts from JPL's Horizons data, so instead, let me pose this question: Referring to Selden's e-mail template for getting Horizons' spacecraft data ( http://www.ln...
by kaycea
15.09.2004, 23:20
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia add-on by AstroBoy
Replies: 6
Views: 4612

Horizons converter still available?


Is this webpage still active? I'd like to give your converter tool a try if it's available.
by kaycea
15.09.2004, 23:01
Forum: Scripting
Topic: Cassini Script--corrected
Replies: 9
Views: 10303

Cassini spacecraft's orientation

Thanks for the script Jon! I am not that familiar with the inner workings of Celestia yet, and was wondering if this script (and associated XYZ file for Cassini) is taking into account the spacecraft's orientation as it is traveling to and around Saturn. It appears that by default, the spacecraft is...
by kaycea
29.07.2004, 18:09
Forum: Development
Topic: can't log into cvs
Replies: 2
Views: 3081

Re: can't log into cvs

Apparently, the missing link was going into WinCVS and setting up the proxy server for my LAN.

I can log in just fine now. Thanks for your help!
by kaycea
22.07.2004, 22:25
Forum: Development
Topic: can't log into cvs
Replies: 2
Views: 3081

can't log into cvs

Hi all, Is anyone else out there having problems logging into cvs? I am using WinCVS with the following settings: Authentication: pserver Path: /cvsroot/celestia Host address: User name: anonymous CVSROOT: Under login settings, I ha...
by kaycea
13.07.2004, 18:22
Forum: Development
Topic: A primer for new C++ developer volunteers on Win XP
Replies: 106
Views: 145422

cannot download source files

I have followed the directions in Paolo's posts but after two weeks, still get the same exit message: cvs -d login Logging in to cvs [login aborted]: connect to

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