Posts by quakemazer

by quakemazer
12.04.2004, 11:47
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Good binocular objects?
Replies: 8
Views: 6116

Thanks selden

I've literally just stumbled into all of this so I'm still sorting the where’s from the what’s. Thanks for the heads up! What a fun application Celestia is. :)
by quakemazer
12.04.2004, 10:32
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Good binocular objects?
Replies: 8
Views: 6116

Go to surface

Hey everyone I'm new to the forums and the program and absolutely love both. Just wanted to say hello, and ask a question. After I hit control-G; Is there a way to tell Celestia to go to a particular longitude and latitude on the surface? That way the sky I'm looking at is representative of the actu...

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