Posts by wasj2004

by wasj2004
01.09.2004, 14:09
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Ran: the Billow Maidens
Replies: 21
Views: 14735

Re: Ran: the Billow Maidens

Very nice job, I spent a few hours checking it out, still havent seen it all! It gets a bit confusing traveling through time to find everything, but it also makes it interesting. Someone should make a script tour of the system that takes you to the proper times and stuff, that would be awsome!
by wasj2004
30.08.2004, 18:49
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Help, joystick trouble
Replies: 7
Views: 3713

Re: Help, joystick trouble

I just loaded celestia up to dobble check, and F1-7 and F10 all work. Ill check the link you gave but I think registry modifications is a little beyond my computer skills, Not something I would wanna try unless someone told me exactly what to do. Well celestia being the problem is ruled out cause no...
by wasj2004
30.08.2004, 15:46
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Help, joystick trouble
Replies: 7
Views: 3713

Re: Help, joystick trouble

Restarting is usually the first thing I do when I have a problem. My key board is just a plain old standard keyboard that came with my computer, nothing special. But I have tested the F8 key in another program so I know it works, I even tryed the on screen keyboard that lets you click the keys with ...
by wasj2004
30.08.2004, 13:52
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Help, joystick trouble
Replies: 7
Views: 3713

Re: Help, joystick trouble

My OS is windows XP, but now that you mention it, I did have a second celestia installed at one time. Been busy lately and really cant say if the joystick has worked since then or not. I did uninstall the second version because I couldent get it to work the way I wanted, but is it possible something...
by wasj2004
29.08.2004, 18:13
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Help, joystick trouble
Replies: 7
Views: 3713

Help, joystick trouble

I just installed the latest celestia, 1.3.2, cant seem to get my joystick working. I have 3 different joysticks, MS sidewinder USB, MS sidewinder precision pro game port, and a saiteck force feedback USB, all of witch used to work on celestia, but now none of them do. they are all calibrated and all...
by wasj2004
23.07.2004, 14:05
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Need help with model positioning
Replies: 2
Views: 2649

Re: Need help with model positioning

bcelestia Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. Im oviously not the best when it comes to 3d modeling but now I better understand whats going on and what does what!
by wasj2004
22.07.2004, 05:13
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Need help with model positioning
Replies: 2
Views: 2649

Need help with model positioning

Im trying to position 2 ships side by side. I got them where I want them, just trying to get them pointing in the same direction. I used the same oreintation line in both, but one is 90 degrees off. im guessing the models have different center lines or different axis or something. Ive played with th...
by wasj2004
13.07.2004, 20:16
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Strange Joystick Movements
Replies: 3
Views: 2239

Re: Strange Joystick Movements

It is like flight sim controls, if you were in a plane, you pull back to go up. I personally would like to see rudder axis added to the controls for the roll movements. If I knew how id add it myself!
by wasj2004
12.06.2004, 16:00
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: are key commands adjustable?
Replies: 4
Views: 3195

are key commands adjustable?

Is there a way to change the speed of the goto command? In other words, when I press G to goto the selected target can I adjust the speed so there is acctually a little travel time rather than an instant trip? also, the center command "c". if the target is 180 degrees out of site when I press c to c...
by wasj2004
10.06.2004, 02:46
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Downgrade to before 3.x?
Replies: 8
Views: 4493

Re: Downgrade to before 3.x?

Im no super computer wiz, but I can tell you what worked for me. My old computer sounds about like yours, and of all the upgrades I did to it, more ram made the biggest difference. before I added more ram i was running 512 and it was real choppy, always locking up on approach to planets, jupiter esp...
by wasj2004
08.06.2004, 16:33
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: A thought
Replies: 2
Views: 1942

Re: A thought

The idea is to acctually give the option to place those key comands on screen, some people arent good with keyboards! I tryed to teach a few friends how to use celestia and they were turned off when realizing they had to memorize all those keys. I personally turn out all the lights while exploreing ...
by wasj2004
08.06.2004, 03:56
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: 2 installs
Replies: 3
Views: 2360

Re: 2 installs

thanks for thr replys.
by wasj2004
08.06.2004, 03:42
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: A thought
Replies: 2
Views: 1942

A thought

I had a couple thoughts I wanted to throw out there. has the idea of semi transparent tool bars ever been brought up? example... while running celestia, you could place commands in your toolbar, like orbit selected object, track, follow, or even pre set speeds. and whenever you want you could just g...
by wasj2004
07.06.2004, 19:07
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: 2 installs
Replies: 3
Views: 2360

2 installs

I have celestia installed 2 times. One version I have all my hires textures and all the galaxies and nebula addons installed. The second install is default, no addons. Ivw been playing around with making movies with a movie maker program and I run it on the second one because the first one gets a li...
by wasj2004
21.03.2004, 22:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Crazy Idea
Replies: 3
Views: 2434

Crazy Idea

Im just wondering if there is a way to add a cockpit panel to the screen so while your exploring you would be looking out the front window of your ship! Anyone who has a love for flight simulator would probably love this. Or maybee some kind of HUD(heads up display) like would be in a fighter jet? I...
by wasj2004
21.03.2004, 04:15
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: celestia tours
Replies: 3
Views: 2539

celestia tours

I was brousing one of the links on here and found a saturn and a jupiter tour cel. file. I did both tours and learned some really interesting things!Are there any more tours like this on the other planets and moons?
by wasj2004
14.03.2004, 23:57
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: X-Wing and a few other SciFi models
Replies: 21
Views: 12253

Re: X-Wing and a few other SciFi models

Hey guys, if you wanna get the sizes of the models right, check this site out!
Nice job on converting the models Jestr. Im working on a few but its a slow go process! been kinda busy lately.
by wasj2004
12.03.2004, 12:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: joystick problem
Replies: 7
Views: 3606

Re: joystick problem

Windows xp home/Celestia 1.3.2 pre3/microsoft sidewinder precision pro game port and a microsoft sidewinder USB/default xp drivers
by wasj2004
09.03.2004, 21:59
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: joystick problem
Replies: 7
Views: 3606

joystick problem

Whenever i use my joystick in celestia ive noticed that when i try to move up or to the left the camera will move to fast. Im using a microsoft sidewinder. when I go down or to the right I can barely move the joystick and the camera moves real slow, the further i move the stick in that direction the...
by wasj2004
29.02.2004, 23:20
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: another 3DS question
Replies: 6
Views: 2745

Re: another 3DS question

I noticed that sometimes there will be a texture, and somekind of shine texture that is suposed to go on top of it, and even dirt layer textures to make it look dirty all stacked together. This must be what you mean. Im gonna experiment with layering them together into one texture. Im sure it wont h...

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