Posts by djellison

by djellison
04.01.2008, 23:19
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

Emily from TPS put me in touch with Greg Michael - who, inside of 24 hours, put an IDL program onto the HRSC website which does everything - all of it - in one hit. It's at the bottom of this page And I've put some of my early results here: http://www.unman...
by djellison
02.01.2008, 21:17
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

Ahhh - found some coords! I cheated, went to the PDS HRSC library, where the map projected IMG's have great header info : OBJECT = IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION ^DATA_SET_MAP_PROJECTION_CATALOG= "DSMAP.CAT" A_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.19 <km> B_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.19 <km> C_AXIS_RADIUS = 3396.19 <km> CENTER_LATITUDE...
by djellison
02.01.2008, 20:00
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

Right - stuck at the 3dem point. The header of the .dt4 is as follows.. LBLSIZE=3222 FORMAT='HALF' TYPE='IMAGE' BUFSIZ=65536 DIM=3 EOL=0 RECSIZE=3222 ORG='BSQ' NL=4802 NS=1611 NB=1 N1=1611 N2=4802 N3=1 N4=0 NBB=0 NLB=0 HOST='X86-LINUX' INTFMT='LOW' REALFMT='RIEEE' BHOST='VAX-VMS' BINTFMT='LOW' BREAL...
by djellison
02.01.2008, 17:14
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

It took a lot more rsyncing - just doing the mola stuff wasnt enough, there were some label templates and interface components that were hidden away.

However - I've succesfully vicar2isis and isis2raw'd - I'll be 3Dem'ing later!

by djellison
01.01.2008, 22:44
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

OSX for ISIS - a quad core XP64 box for everything else - hopefully I've got all the bases covered!

Thanks for all the help - I might be back for some more later in the week :)

by djellison
01.01.2008, 21:17
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

That'll save me a days downloading probably :)

Thanks for that! The apps rsync had finished, I'd only just started the data rsync, that'll save be a load of downloading I wont need! Cheers.

Doug (on OSX)
by djellison
01.01.2008, 20:50
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

I'm rsync'ing my way into ISIS3 as we speak - many thanks, I'll let you know how it goes!


by djellison
01.01.2008, 16:14
Forum: Textures
Topic: New Mars Image data available
Replies: 18
Views: 18502

Re: New Mars Image data available

Here are a couple of screenshots of that file after it was processed by ISIS3 to crop a smaller section and 3dem > usgs dem and wilbur.exe > .obj and then blender.. I've grabbed a few of the .dt4.50's and HRSCView works great as an IDLVM package - the perspective views work well as well. However, i...
by djellison
02.12.2003, 03:29
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Mars Odyssey accuracy (and newbie Q's :D )
Replies: 2
Views: 2018

Mars Odyssey accuracy (and newbie Q's :D )

Boy oh boy this is a stunning piece of work. I'm trying to create a timeline of Beagle 2's first week or so on mars, Sunrise, Sunset, Earth Rise, Earth Set - and Mars Odyssey over-flights. However - I'm not too sure if fantastic Mars Odyssey by Shrox is accurate or not (or if it's just me) THe press...

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