Posts by toutatis

by toutatis
09.09.2019, 23:25
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

* Mars Odyssey *
by toutatis
08.09.2019, 01:50
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

just added COSPAR ID in SSC-file for MRO... "Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter:MRO:2005-029A" "Sol" { Class "spacecraft" Mesh "mars-reconnaissance-orbiter.cmod" Radius 0.0065 Timeline [ { Beginning 2453595.029166667 # Ending 2453805.0 # OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { ...
by toutatis
08.09.2019, 01:34
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

* Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) * the full XYZV-trajectory by data from HORIZONS... Timeline...
by toutatis
07.09.2019, 08:27
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

a small changes for GRAIL and MRO add-ons... for MRO, HiRISE cam direction to Mars, after arriving to the red planet... in the picture MRO several minutes ago over Nord pole of planet... when we use XYZV-trajectories we can know where spacecraft in the real moment of time...
by toutatis
07.09.2019, 08:13
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

toutatis < With this file LUT will be in English.

Thanks Art Blos...

But English can be a pain when you have to learn words that you will never use in normal day to day life.

but in my life... Never... :smile:
by toutatis
07.09.2019, 02:34
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

Nice! But I wonder, why you decided to do the Lua in English?

Because I learning this language... so... also I learning an African languages... Mende and Luganda... :smile:
by toutatis
07.09.2019, 00:21
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

Thanks, Lafuente_Astronomy... but all I want is that my Celestia work in ENGLISH ONLY... the file you sent did not helped... I deleted file ** from folder *locale / ru / LC_MESSAGES /* and now my Celestia works in English, but LUT no, still in Russian... but I need LUT work in English too...
by toutatis
06.09.2019, 20:22
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

* Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter * the full trajectory by data from HORIZONS (JPL, NASA)... Timeline...
by toutatis
06.09.2019, 14:17
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

Hey guys... can someone who use "Celestia Origin" in English send to me here a file called * config.lua *.... the way is Celestia / lua-applications / lua_universal_tools_v5 / config.lua

Thanks very much in advance!
by toutatis
05.09.2019, 23:39
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

Mission GRAIL... full XYXV-trajectory (by data from HORIZONS)...

Added after 2 minutes 49 seconds:
by toutatis
05.09.2019, 02:23
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

in my plans, after I finish the Hipparcos model...

USA: USA 224 (NRO L-49)...

USA: KH-9 Hexagon (Keyhole-9)...

USA: Lunar Prospector

PRC: 嫦娥四号 (Chang'e 4)...

PRC: Queqiao (Chang'e 4 Relay)...

ESA: Aeolus (ADM-Aeolus)...

ESA: MetOp-C...
by toutatis
01.09.2019, 14:09
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

by toutatis
31.08.2019, 18:59
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

by toutatis
31.08.2019, 04:21
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

To avoid visual defects the TRAAC satellite model was a bit changed...
by toutatis
28.08.2019, 14:00
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

What you can do to make the close viewing easier, is to place a couple of invisible placeholders at strategic locations by adding the following code to the SSC:
Wow... Thanks very much Chuft-Captain...
by toutatis
27.08.2019, 15:51
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

the realization of SWIFT was swift :biggrin: ... Today I started a new work to create a model of.......... Hipparcos... Yes, yes... you can observe the progress in creation of the model here in this thread... :biggrin: I am too busy with my main job, but I will try to create more and more... and mo...
by toutatis
27.08.2019, 00:33
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

the engineering of this satellite is not trivial. they used the gravity stabilization for this satellite... the full length of the extendable boom with a damping spring is 32 meters in maximum, but in my model is 16 meters.. it's was made specially, because too long models not observable well in Ce...
by toutatis
26.08.2019, 05:36
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

The Transit Research and Attitude Control (TRAAC) satellite was launched by the U. S. Navy from Cape Canaveral along with Transit 4B on November 15, 1961.... The 109 kg satellite was used to test the feasibility of using gravity-gradient stabilization in Transit navigational satellites. It provided ...
by toutatis
16.08.2019, 18:30
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

by toutatis
16.08.2019, 18:23
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Spacecrafts for Celestia
Replies: 1964
Views: 1142060

Re: Spacecrafts for Celestia

New, and finale trajectory for Luna-3...

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