Posts by abiogenesis

by abiogenesis
12.06.2003, 02:41
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New feature? object & relative speed display
Replies: 4
Views: 2526

Re: New feature? object & relative speed display

That would be a simple vector subtraction, if Celestia used velocity vectors. However, I'm pretty sure the positions of objects are specified explicitly. .xyz files, for instance, are just a list of time/position pairs. Of cource, it wouldn't be too hard to approximate... - a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
08.06.2003, 22:39
Forum: Development
Topic: Tweaking the source code...
Replies: 16
Views: 6552

Re: Tweaking the source code...

Multiple light sources are trivial to implement in OpenGL. The issue is with the way Celestia uses lights. I haven't looked at the code for a long time but, If I remember correctly, Celestia assumes a very simple lighting model. Whenever the viewer is in the local coordinate space of a star, a singl...
by abiogenesis
02.05.2003, 17:34
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia in REAL 3D view..
Replies: 14
Views: 7688

Re: Celestia in REAL 3D view..

selden, That's how it's done independent of the app. Any 3D program with z-buffer info can be stereoscoped by the drivers. I was thinking that an application-specific implementation, if that's even possible, would give better results. Now that I think about it, though, it's really not that important...
by abiogenesis
02.05.2003, 16:52
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia in REAL 3D view..
Replies: 14
Views: 7688

Re: Celestia in REAL 3D view..

AAAAGGHH! My head! It looks very cool, though. Perhaps I would enjoy it more without the aneurysm. Here's an idea: Now that Celestia has built-in support for multiple views, perhaps it wouldn't be too difficult to do the binocular vision thing in-code. For instance, the nVidia-based ASUS card I have...
by abiogenesis
21.04.2003, 02:04
Forum: Textures
Topic: The blue marble texture
Replies: 12
Views: 5587

Re: The blue marble texture

It's pretty ballsy to be posting lies like that on a board maintained by an nVidia programmer. :wink:

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
08.02.2003, 07:08
Forum: Textures
Topic: I need a Hires earth cloudmap
Replies: 32
Views: 18940

Re: I need a Hires earth cloudmap because a texture transform is used to make the cloud layer move... Is that because you're using linear textures instead of swizzled textures for the clouds? If so, could you use a vertex shader to tweak the texture coordinates of the vertices instead of the "texture transform"? I'm taking a ...
by abiogenesis
28.01.2003, 04:57
Forum: Textures
Topic: At LAST! UltraFast Conversion|Display of DDS in Linux, Win,.
Replies: 28
Views: 16724

Re: At LAST! UltraFast Conversion|Display of DDS in Linux, Win,.

Hey, Fridger- I've downloaded and built DevIL on WinXP (I know...), but I'm having a problem. It's all my fault though, as it's likely improper use. Remember that 32k earth texture that has been summarily dismissed as a pipe dream by the wisest of the developers on the forum? Well, I can't give it u...
by abiogenesis
06.10.2002, 02:32
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Feature Request: many selectable textures per object
Replies: 9
Views: 4520

Re: Feature Request: many selectable textures per object

While we're on the topic of UI, why don't you just make the key maps user configurable. Then all you have to worry about, Chris, is the default config. And if someone doesn't use some of the more esoteric Celestia features, they can re-map the keys to do something else. I haven't looked at the sourc...
by abiogenesis
03.10.2002, 15:37
Forum: Development
Topic: Solar System Generator - 100,000 stars.
Replies: 29
Views: 29230

Re: Solar System Generator - 100,000 stars.

Hey, marc- I'm replying to your post in the other thread. Unfortunately, I'm in the process of deleting the files. I have been for about three days. :!: It appears that my hard drive may have been fragmented a bit before the installation and after, well, I won't go there. I looked, but Part 71 is al...
by abiogenesis
30.09.2002, 15:10
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How big is you Celestia Directory now ?
Replies: 23
Views: 13661

Re: How big is you Celestia Directory now ?

I tried a full MH install with the 2 Mil star database. It didn't work. :( After about five hours it says there's an error with fread or fscanf or some other file IO function. It doesn't appear to generate nearly as many planets as I had hoped. The vast majority of stars have no planets. The Habitab...
by abiogenesis
27.09.2002, 15:29
Forum: Textures
Topic: Heres My LunarCell First Atempt!
Replies: 26
Views: 19814

Re: Heres My LunarCell First Atempt!

I thought that KaZaA used FastTrack, not Gnutella. FastTrack is what Morpheus used to use, before switching to Gnutella and subsequently sucking. FastTrack supports "swarming". That is, downloading one file from multiple users simultaneously. This has the potential to greatly increase download speed...
by abiogenesis
22.09.2002, 06:47
Forum: Development
Topic: Announcement of Intent to checkin code
Replies: 3
Views: 2819

Re: Announcement of Intent to checkin code

If you run the simulation at 1000000x, won't your sample rate be too low? You can only output to the log once a frame and, at that time scale, you won't get continuous data. Halley will likely fly right past the closest point, perhaps multiple times, without a single log. As far as I know, Celestia ...
by abiogenesis
20.09.2002, 18:26
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Images at TeXfoundry gallery
Replies: 12
Views: 6454

Re: New Images at TeXfoundry gallery

Static bumpmapping is just an image processing trick where shadows are added to the image where they should be based on the assumed topology of the terrain. So the shadows look the same on the texture regardless of where the light is coming from. Not realistic. Dynamic bumpmapping, on the other hand...
by abiogenesis
19.09.2002, 20:40
Forum: Textures
Topic: Help! No Specularity
Replies: 23
Views: 16050

Re: Help! No Specularity

But why did you not reduce the size of the spec map in one go? It should be a triviality for these programs? It would have been trivial, I'm sure. And it would have made the subsequet water selecting much simpler as well but, since I already had the 16k resolution, I figured I'd use it. There are s...
by abiogenesis
19.09.2002, 20:21
Forum: Textures
Topic: Help! No Specularity
Replies: 23
Views: 16050

Re: Help! No Specularity

I am definitely interested in your bump map. As for the 16k spec map, I just opened in PaintShop Pro using the photoshop dxt plug-in. Then, I selected all the water (lots and lots of water, all those tiny lakes...). I cleared all the water to white, all the land to black, then I saved i...
by abiogenesis
19.09.2002, 16:39
Forum: Textures
Topic: Help! No Specularity
Replies: 23
Views: 16050

Re: Help! No Specularity

I successfully converted the file into a specular map and added it to the .ssc file. It works beautifully. It is , however, a 16k specular map(!), because I used the Earth map as the source. Much more resolution than necessary, I know, but it looks good. Now all I need is a good bump ma...
by abiogenesis
19.09.2002, 04:45
Forum: Textures
Topic: Help! No Specularity
Replies: 23
Views: 16050

Re: Help! No Specularity

The map doesn't have a specular map. I don't remember the exact reason. I think the level of DXT compression used didn't support alpha or something. It shouldn't be a big deal now, though, since 1.25pre3 supports separate spec files. Just make a low resolution specular map and add it to...
by abiogenesis
19.09.2002, 04:42
Forum: Development
Topic: NVIDIA's OpenGL 1.4
Replies: 8
Views: 6554

Re: NVIDIA's OpenGL 1.4

I guess that makes sense then. A wood grain texture of a huge wall would need a huge texture map, but the grain pattern is probably really simple to code up algorithmically. I can get that. It might be hard to algorithmically generate the surface of a planet, though. Unless maybe using fractals. Hm....
by abiogenesis
18.09.2002, 21:13
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 4k with specular reflection
Replies: 24
Views: 13336

Re: 4k with specular reflection

Thanks, guys. If you find a solution, I'd be glad to hear it. I was looking at the Script-Fu stuff you can do with Gimp, but I don't have the time to study up on all that right now. :( Oh well. I wish you luck.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -
by abiogenesis
18.09.2002, 20:52
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 4k with specular reflection
Replies: 24
Views: 13336

Re: 4k with specular reflection

Speaking of large Earth maps, I downloaded the BlueMarble maps from NASA. 16kx16k for each hemisphere. I've tried to combine them into one, gargantuan 32,768 x 16,384 pixel image, but my PC seems to have a low tolerance for pain. :wink: Has anybody ( Fridger ) got this to work? I'm using an AMD Athl...

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