Posts by Rocket Man

by Rocket Man
26.02.2005, 14:59
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Screenshot Contest for March 2005
Replies: 33
Views: 20601

Re: Screenshot Contest for March 2005

maybe privaye message?
by Rocket Man
26.02.2005, 14:29
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Screenshot Contest for March 2005
Replies: 33
Views: 20601

Re: Screenshot Contest for March 2005

:oops: oops, If it appears as a white boxed red x, just click on it. Sorry. Here is a cel link: cel://Follow/Sol:Earth:Moon/2005-03-16T10:19:28.98089?x=0F/lNXhQ1v6tDA&y=8sRLi+GqiAE&z=FdJ17ugigdr+/////////w&ow=0.989021&ox=0.054501&oy=0.136170&oz=0.018053&select=Sol:Earth:M...
by Rocket Man
26.02.2005, 14:26
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Screenshot Contest for March 2005
Replies: 33
Views: 20601

Re: Screenshot Contest for March 2005


I guess I am the first contestant. I wish my graphics can surrport bump maps. That woul be lovely.
by Rocket Man
26.02.2005, 14:10
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Screenshot Contest for March 2005
Replies: 33
Views: 20601

Re: Screenshot Contest for March 2005

Also they might use add-ons that you probly don't have or they have created them themsevles. Use cel links for solar system or common add-ons.
by Rocket Man
26.02.2005, 14:07
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Star Sizes
Replies: 10
Views: 4672

Re: Star Sizes

I'm am young, so I'm just trying put what I know is an understandable way. So I'm might leave out some parts but I'm grateful for your corrects. Dollan said: The only poblem with your explanation is that some of these stars are quite young. Sigma Draconis, for example, is estimated to be about 3.3 b...
by Rocket Man
25.02.2005, 23:52
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Request to Selden: Screenshot Contest
Replies: 9
Views: 6061

Re: Request to Selden: Screenshot Contest

Where can this be found?
by Rocket Man
25.02.2005, 23:32
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Relabelling stars
Replies: 8
Views: 4998

Re: Relabelling stars

:arrow: Did you try unzipping and properly install (viewing Readme)? :arrow: If you did this, did you place it in the "Extras" folder of your main Celestia folder? And place textures in the "Textures/Medres" and place models in the "Models" folder? :arrow: If you did all the above, try this "press "...
by Rocket Man
25.02.2005, 23:17
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Star Sizes
Replies: 10
Views: 4672

Re: Star Sizes

This is becuase there are swelling and their mass and thier mass is spreading out. Basiclly cause it is out of fuel. With the excess helium still trying to breach the surface, it swells up, like balloon. The swelling pushes their mass outwards. Eventully it will expand to wide and nova. I'm might no...
by Rocket Man
22.02.2005, 01:56
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: terraforming a nitrogen world
Replies: 5
Views: 2949

Re: terraforming a nitrogen world

:idea: :idea:
Who said that life has to be made from carbon? Maybe a new spieces of alien organisms and evolve grow here maybe surviving the harsh condotions. They might even terraform it by themselfs?
by Rocket Man
22.02.2005, 01:51
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Sigma1 Taurus
Replies: 16
Views: 10288

Re: Sigma1 Taurus

I don't think so. With the "G" star as your planet's parent star it would seem to be a fine second home.
by Rocket Man
21.02.2005, 21:31
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Sigma1 Taurus
Replies: 16
Views: 10288

Re: Sigma1 Taurus

I never realized that. That a good point though. Only good binary canidates I know is Rigle Kentaurus A & B. but terraforming still will be long process (that's if there any form of water around). This wouldn't be a good planet to terraform
by Rocket Man
21.02.2005, 19:31
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: My new add-on : Miremion system
Replies: 16
Views: 7737

Re: My new add-on : Miremion system

Do you have a 3d modeler? If you do, you could design ships with your system. (These are only my basic models. I hope to add real-like hull textures and make more real looking.) And use Toti's .XYZ script to make make yours ships explore and advance th...
by Rocket Man
21.02.2005, 15:32
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: terraforming a nitrogen world
Replies: 5
Views: 2949

Re: terraforming a nitrogen world

tniemi said: Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas, but nitrous dioxide can block sunlight. Is there a greenhouse effect in effect or not? I do not know. There is probably a portion of (<5%) carbon dioxide in the atmosphere too The clouds would just help double the tempture of the surface. Take Venus, V...
by Rocket Man
21.02.2005, 14:51
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Is the Andromeda Galaxy going to collide with the Milky Way?
Replies: 10
Views: 6462

Re: Is the Andromeda Galaxy going to collide with the Milky Way?

This is only a theory. But it is possible for galaxies collide. This what astronomers call a galaxy evolvtion. the two galaxies' gravity will interfere with each other. then when they collide, Another billion years go by reforming into a elliptical galaxy. It is possible for the Milky way to colide ...
by Rocket Man
20.02.2005, 20:43
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Sigma1 Taurus
Replies: 16
Views: 10288

Re: Sigma1 Taurus

What's the point of Knowledge if don't share it?
- Rocket Man

Your Welcome.
by Rocket Man
20.02.2005, 17:51
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Sigma1 Taurus
Replies: 16
Views: 10288

Re: Sigma1 Taurus

:idea: Something came to mind, :idea:
Instead of the planet's orbit going in between the stars why make the inclination in your .SSC file like 90 degrees, This make it so if it was real, Sig2 Tau has little affect on your planet.
by Rocket Man
20.02.2005, 14:33
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Sigma1 Taurus
Replies: 16
Views: 10288

Re: Sigma1 Taurus

I have made a terrestial planet orbiting around the both Rigel Kentaurus Stars > I don't know what's over there - like some black hole, or nuetron star Black Holes Have a event horizon. Meaning they have a boundry to there great gravitional pull. But still have an affect to nearby objects. Not sure ...
by Rocket Man
19.02.2005, 15:48
Forum: Development
Topic: Animating the volcanos of Io!?
Replies: 1
Views: 2314

Re: Animating the volcanos of Io!?

You should try Anim8tor for your modeling needs. Read the manual and you are ready to go. You can also import and export into .3ds format. Anim8tor is easy to use and its free too. Its found here: For this you need an .SSC file. The .STC file are for stars. .SS...
by Rocket Man
17.02.2005, 23:19
Forum: Development
Topic: .SSC File Correction
Replies: 16
Views: 8255

Re: .SSC File Correction

Thank you, Selden.

Now I have mastered this skill, I belive that others can come here for thier .SSC troubles.
by Rocket Man
17.02.2005, 00:53
Forum: Development
Topic: .SSC File Correction
Replies: 16
Views: 8255

Re: .SSC File Correction

Also, does the models have be at a certain file size? Because I made a space station models and It doesn't appear when I go to it.

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