Posts by Marco Klunder

by Marco Klunder
22.05.2010, 11:04
Forum: Development
Topic: Changing textures over (real) time...
Replies: 7
Views: 6902

Re: Changing textures over (real) time...

Fenerit wrote:For what is worth
Yes, it is worth. Thanks.
This is basically the outcome of this thread on how to manage cyclic changing textures.
The other (less repetative) is the Beginning and Ending parapeters in the ssc files.

by Marco Klunder
21.05.2010, 16:26
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia educa

Frank, you're welcome.
Jo?l great job.

I'll wait and see the updated files :D

by Marco Klunder
18.05.2010, 20:52
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

Jo?l, Great work again, however less "clear and evident" this time :wink: The .VBS alternative works fine here (did not knew about its existance...). I even succeeded to lauch Celestia from the network drive, and after that, parallel a 2nd session from the D: drive, despite Frank's warning...
by Marco Klunder
18.05.2010, 17:54
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

Jo?l, GREAT WORK :!: :!: :!: :!: The described bug exactly represent the strange behaviour I experienced yesterday. As far as I can test the new clear and evident piece of DOS code here (with/without space in dirname, on the D: and on the N: (network) drive), no problem found so far :lol: I hope mea...
by Marco Klunder
17.05.2010, 19:46
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

@Jo?l Celestia in my configuration resides in D:\Backup_Celestia160-ED I must say I've some very weird results now. When changing back from the 2nd to the 1st solution that worked fine with me before, I also got the error there. Until I decides to fully cut/past your 1st solution again from the foru...
by Marco Klunder
17.05.2010, 17:43
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

I was even able to use Inno Installer directly, to place a new dynamic shortcut to the " Educational-Activities " folder onto the new computer's desktop at the time of installation, and it worked. It opened the Educational-Activities sub-folder fine, and I was able to open " Test.doc...
by Marco Klunder
17.05.2010, 15:51
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Google Sketch-up to Celestia
Replies: 5
Views: 5407

Re: Google Sketch-up to Celestia

Hello all, May I suggest you to read thread about the Phoenix Lander on Mars. It's also about a Google Sketchup model used as a base, which ended as a concrete Celestia model :D . The thread documents all the steps and freeware software use...
by Marco Klunder
16.05.2010, 18:36
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

Hello Jo?l, Frank, The "clear and evident syntax of DOS commands" begin to work now :wink: As far as I tested this, it's working perfect :!: :D , although creating the shortcuts remain a manual action and is still not automated directly from the installation program. The average load time ...
by Marco Klunder
15.05.2010, 18:52
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

I don't understand why you launch the doc files with a shortcut when it is so simple to launch them by clicking directly on them. E.G. Especially in network server environments (school labs), Celestia may be installed somewhere on a central server. The activity shortcut are copied to the individual...
by Marco Klunder
15.05.2010, 16:32
Forum: Help Central
Topic: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education
Replies: 23
Views: 11187

Re: Problem using custom Windows shortcuts in Celestia education

Primarily, I got this suggestion of Jo?l work here (as easy, as simple :idea: ), Activity4.jpg The "Activity4.bat" file as mentioned in the hyperlink contains both lines of Jo?l's code (for Activity4 in this case). But unfortunately, there resides a great potential problem in this solution...
by Marco Klunder
15.05.2010, 15:35
Forum: Development
Topic: Changing textures over (real) time...
Replies: 7
Views: 6902

Re: Changing textures over (real) time...

Hello Fridger, You indeed mention another very famous change on celestial bodies: The influence of the seasons :!: And yes, we can generate monster textures which are very fun to look at (as I already mentioned above :roll: ) But given the fact that I have enough diskspace :) , is there a possibilit...
by Marco Klunder
13.05.2010, 20:44
Forum: Development
Topic: Changing textures over (real) time...
Replies: 7
Views: 6902

Changing textures over (real) time...

While reading thread about "Jupiter lost something", seeing a movie last week about the observations of the Sun (e.g. fluctuating Sunspot intensity in periods of 11 years), and seeing textures of Neptune with or without the Great ...
by Marco Klunder
13.05.2010, 15:53
Forum: Celestia in Education
Topic: Celestia-1.6.0-ED activities doesn't work
Replies: 4
Views: 14022

Re: Celestia-1.6.0-ED activities doesn't work

Hello again, Baics Good to hear you found the problem. Concerning the Lua Edu Tools, I have downloaded the 1.1 version, it says it is for Celestia 1.5, but it works for me. I will try later the fixes for it. This also is NOT the solution, because you miss integrated Add-ons (as mentioned above in my...
by Marco Klunder
02.05.2010, 19:04
Forum: Add-on releases
Topic: Giotto - 25th Anniversary
Replies: 5
Views: 4872

Re: Giotto - 25th Anniversary


This is a very good looking model.
Thanks for the add-on.

by Marco Klunder
02.05.2010, 18:42
Forum: Celestia in Education
Topic: Celestia-1.6.0-ED activities doesn't work
Replies: 4
Views: 14022

Re: Celestia-1.6.0-ED activities doesn't work

Baics, The first problem was that I couldn't run the Lua Edu Tools, it said a language problem. I solved this by downloading the newest version of the Lua Edu Tools, and overwriting the included one.Baics This may look like a solution, but it isn't. 1) If you mean downloading the newest version of t...
by Marco Klunder
19.04.2010, 19:07
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Building files from Celestia's data
Replies: 16
Views: 8903

Re: Building files from Celestia's data

Massimo, Good job and coorporation with Jo?l here. I'm studing your CMOD tracer and I was wondering if it could be used to produce something like this: I'm using the following CELX script part (without text here) in Celestia v161 SVN to explain the apparent retrograde motion in my "Conjunctions...
by Marco Klunder
19.04.2010, 17:21
Forum: Bugs
Topic: undeletables
Replies: 15
Views: 7957

Re: undeletables

BobHegwood wrote:... Was a piece of cake... :D

As the title of this tread already foresaw: You're undeletable :wink:
Wish you all the best and get back in swing again soon.

By the way, your planet tours did alway inspire me, and updates are always welcome to me :mrgreen:

by Marco Klunder
18.04.2010, 19:36
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting
Replies: 100
Views: 110909

Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

- The code is rewritten to load faster when Celestia is starting to avoid timeout problems if many other plugins should be loaded. Always good such optimizations. Probably better to also refer here to the prefered usage of Lua_Edu_Tools v1.2 Beta9 . :idea: Vincent has also made very important impro...
by Marco Klunder
18.04.2010, 09:38
Forum: Lua-Tools
Topic: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting
Replies: 100
Views: 110909

Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting


Great work again here. I'll download it of course and further on test it.

by Marco Klunder
15.04.2010, 19:32
Forum: Development
Topic: Different colour for orbit of dwarf planets
Replies: 1
Views: 3876

Re: Different colour for orbit of dwarf planets

Hello ianmacfarlane, Probably better a late answer than no answer. You can change the color of specific orbits, using the celestia:setlinecolor() method within e CELX script To turn the color for Darf Planets into cyan, make a CELX: orbitcolor.celx which contains the following code: celestia:setline...

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