Posts by Evil Dr Ganymede

by Evil Dr Ganymede
18.02.2005, 18:11
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Enceladus = Europa?!
Replies: 13
Views: 7831

Re: Enceladus = Europa?! Another very cool image. I think the overexposed bit on the right is lit by sunlight, and the crescent on the left is Saturnshine? (Saturn's in the background). Notice the dark arcuate feature near the day/night...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
18.02.2005, 07:09
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Bad addon at the Motherlode
Replies: 50
Views: 21787

Re: Bad addon at the Motherlode

I think a committee is going a bit too far in general. Maybe the most realistic addons can be approved by a knowledgable group of people, but if there's an ability to comment on individual addons on the ML site that should provide ample opportunity for people to give their opinions on how realistic ...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
18.02.2005, 07:06
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Enceladus = Europa?!
Replies: 13
Views: 7831

Re: Enceladus = Europa?!

Looks more like a wrinkled sheet to me. Europa looks far less strange. Does look kinda like a crumpled plastic sheet doesn't it... but there's clearly something really wacky going on. lots of lateral faulting going on too - you'll notice that things don't seem to line up between the separate terrai...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
18.02.2005, 02:02
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!
Replies: 9
Views: 4032

Re: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!

Come on... I cited above directly from NASA, part of the original caption from their latest Cassini photo (EVERYONE reading here knows where the corresponding site is!): Since every child knows that 938 nanometers is near-IR, /invisible to the eye/, you clearly did not read or not understand that N...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
18.02.2005, 01:17
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!
Replies: 9
Views: 4032

Re: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!

I thought you know where to find the full caption. Right? You repeatedly assume your readers know things that they don't when you write posts here. Would it kill you to put a direct reference to the page you're referring to here? Please note that I am far from stupid. I am paid for usually not maki...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
18.02.2005, 00:29
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!
Replies: 9
Views: 4032

Re: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!

If it was the usual 938 nanometers narrow-band filter, I would have barely started a special thread on that issue ! Please, why don't you read things well before answering. This is a wide-band visual light filter just oposed to the near-IR narrowband filter that is usually applied. That actually is...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 23:55
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!
Replies: 9
Views: 4032

Re: Seeing the sun on Titan's surface!

Ralph Lorenz and others did some extensive tweaking and enhancement of the Voyager images (taken thorugh visible filters) and it turned out that perhaps some surface features were actually visible in even those images. See here: But that said, he REAL...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 19:35
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Space Age Large Scale Industry
Replies: 12
Views: 6015

Re: Space Age Large Scale Industry

Because tourism is an industry just as profitable as the others. Plus, a new industry would arise - creating real estate out of nothing and selling it. You'll need to get the costs to get into orbit - let alone deep space - WAY down for tourism to be even an option. Plus, it's damn risky. On Earth ...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 19:02
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Bad addon at the Motherlode
Replies: 50
Views: 21787

Re: Bad addon at the Motherlode

Just as a random tangential suggestion - can we have a separate ssc/stc section on the motherlode too? Just for ssc/stc files that don't have textures or anything (eg orbits for new asteroids, planets etc).
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 18:58
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Space Age Large Scale Industry
Replies: 12
Views: 6015

Re: Space Age Large Scale Industry

I don't think the Moon would be a good industrial base. I mean, think about it, what do we want ? We want resources, and juice. The Moon is not *that* resource rich. And "controlled" fusion is still not open for exploitation. Given how rare Helium-3 is on earth, and how essential it is for the more...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 17:14
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Space Age Large Scale Industry
Replies: 12
Views: 6015

Re: Space Age Large Scale Industry

That's why the question I bring before you is : what would it take for humanity to build such a large scale industrial base on a planet or planetoid - in the foreseeable future ? An economic reason, and a strong will and rational purpose. For all of Bush's blathering about wanting to send humans to...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 16:49
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Enceladus = Europa?!
Replies: 13
Views: 7831

Enceladus = Europa?! Oh. My. God. 8O This terrain on Enceladus bears a very stunning resemblance to the ridges of Europa. It's jaw-dropping...! 8O
by Evil Dr Ganymede
17.02.2005, 07:14
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Lots more Titan Imaging on Feb 15
Replies: 11
Views: 4865

Re: New radar images

New radar images from Titan show, among other things, a giant crater . The crater kinda reminds me of the Mead impact basin on Venus... The "Cat Scratches" image is very interesting to me though. The morphology of those linear features looks vaguely like the so-called "grooved terrain" on Ganymede,...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
16.02.2005, 23:32
Forum: Textures
Topic: 3210, 3310, 3330, 34 3210, 3
Replies: 7
Views: 5338

Re: 3210, 3310, 3330, 34 3210, 3

SonyEricsonFanat has been banned . . . Sorry it took so long--I've been away for a couple days snowboarding in the Mt. Baker backcountry. --Chris I could kinda see that one coming, with a name like that. Would you be willing to give Admin priviledges to Mods (ie Selden and anyone else who wants the...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
16.02.2005, 17:51
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: I made what I think is an important discovery using Celestia
Replies: 5
Views: 3847

Re: I made what I think is an important discovery using Celestia

Interesting, but there's no way any spacecraft would be able to image the earth transiting the sun - the imaging CCDs would either oversaturate (if you're lucky) or burn out if they pointed at the sun.
by Evil Dr Ganymede
15.02.2005, 08:49
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: T00fri's Iapetus @ Celestia: Download NOW!
Replies: 43
Views: 26012

Re: T00fri's Iapetus @ Celestia: Download NOW!

I thought western music had long since been standardised to use the A to G scale... So "H minor" is really B minor? First I've ever heard of it...

To be honest I thought you meant G minor but missed the key on the keyboard and typed H instead...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
15.02.2005, 04:46
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: T00fri's Iapetus @ Celestia: Download NOW!
Replies: 43
Views: 26012

Re: T00fri's Iapetus @ Celestia: Download NOW!

t00fri wrote:I will release the whole thing very soon... Tonight I was out in a great concert (including concerto for violin by N. Paganini , H minor. It is rarely played due to its reputation of being the most difficult violin concerto! )

I'm not surprised, considering there's no such key as "H Minor" :)
by Evil Dr Ganymede
15.02.2005, 03:20
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Lots more Titan Imaging on Feb 15
Replies: 11
Views: 4865

Re: Lots more Titan Imaging on Feb 15

Here's the equivalent graphic for the Enceladus flyby. We could get down to 70 m/pxl! :) Though to be honest, the lower resolutions are more useful, we're gonna need context here! Here's a pic of Titan taken on Feb 12th, we'...
by Evil Dr Ganymede
15.02.2005, 03:13
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Celestia site
Replies: 19
Views: 9263

Re: New Celestia site

Is that the default hubble model in the picture on the homepage? Looks very nifty :)
by Evil Dr Ganymede
14.02.2005, 21:55
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Celestia site
Replies: 19
Views: 9263

Re: New Celestia site

So THAT'S what you've been busy with.... :)

Looks great! Nice work!

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