Posts by DonAVP

by DonAVP
15.07.2006, 03:04
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: NASA TV
Replies: 12
Views: 9651


As a side note and this is IMHO. Real is blot wear and I would strongly not recommend using it. Don't get me wrong it works and delivers a good picture and sound. Trouble I have is that it (the company) is harvesting data and making deals so it is the only steaming source from some sights. I like to...
by DonAVP
04.07.2006, 16:49
Forum: Development
Topic: Nebulas
Replies: 8
Views: 6870

Re: Nebulas

buggs I can't give you the code level info on volumetric rendering. I use Lightwave in part of my work. Maya, 3D Max, SoftImage to name a few also provide this capability but it is in the raytrace or render side of the application. Even with a fast machine rendering a volumetric cloud like a nebula ...
by DonAVP
03.07.2006, 23:31
Forum: Development
Topic: Nebulas
Replies: 8
Views: 6870

Re: Nebulas

I read and checked out the links to this and previous threads on this topic. The models that Jll has made are impressive but still a guess to the shape. Had an idea on how to display nebula in celestia. I work with simulators and one trick that is used is to have to flat polygon with the image alway...
by DonAVP
01.07.2006, 17:28
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Need MAC version help BADLY
Replies: 4
Views: 2858

Lesson ONE

First off you need to get the Manual. Go to MotherLode In Resouces (on the right) is Documentation. Get 1.4.1 User's Guide and Key Chart. That should provide you with enough reading material for a while. As you see there is a lot of other material on different sub...
by DonAVP
01.07.2006, 03:14
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Best Joystick 4 a Mac?
Replies: 3
Views: 2477

Re: Best Joystick 4 a Mac?

First off get a Mighty Mouse. Worth every penny IMHO. The left side (button) pans side to side and around, the middle ball zooms in and out (like Home and End keys) much faster though and finally right side (button) rotates around tracked object (planet). Very Cool. Start learning the keyboard short...
by DonAVP
01.07.2006, 03:01
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: CELX file on a Mac DON't Run?? (edit) No Open GL on a PC
Replies: 4
Views: 2897

Re: CELX file on a Mac DON't Run?? (edit) No Open GL on a PC

Thanks I will check that out. To change the subject from Mac to PC. I launched Celestia on the PC today. I had not launched it for a week or so. The program ran as normal but without a sun, stars or earth (no open GL). The open script worked and the data in the corners of the windows were on. Confus...
by DonAVP
30.06.2006, 21:25
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: CELX file on a Mac DON't Run?? (edit) No Open GL on a PC
Replies: 4
Views: 2897

CELX file on a Mac DON't Run?? (edit) No Open GL on a PC

I cannot get CELX files to work on my Mac? I copied the *.lua files from a PC to the Mac. CELX files run on the PC. I looked for Doc's on the Mac for running these file and could find only that they are able to run. :?: Thanks in advance Don Mac G5 Dual 2Ghz, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9600 video, OS X 10....
by DonAVP
27.06.2006, 04:03
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: 3D modeling
Replies: 15
Views: 9942

Re: 3D modeling

I just got Celestia, and I am interested in meesing around with addons and maybe trying to make one. Do you guys know a 3d modeling program I can get? The file format must be 3ds. This is 3D Max file format. Don't know the price. You can model in any number of programs the trick is getting it into ...
by DonAVP
22.06.2006, 01:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Scale of space in Celestia is not correct?
Replies: 11
Views: 6473

Re: Scale of space in Celestia is not correct?

You also need to realize that the focal length of the lens is important when it comes to things like this. If you get the date and time like on the other post you should be able to duplicated the image. You may take some time getting it however. Here is a link showing you what I mean. cel://Follow/S...
by DonAVP
17.06.2006, 03:07
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: SEARCHING for...
Replies: 42
Views: 31301

Re: SEARCHING for...

Chris: I will try to get to the museum in the next two months or so, but it is about 50 miles from where I live and is in the center of Washington, DC. This area has the 3rd worst traffic in the United States, and driving into the city is a nightmare. The museum does have a full scale Voyager model...
by DonAVP
17.06.2006, 02:51
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Boomerang
Replies: 15
Views: 9971

Re: Boomerang

Oh dear, I have just counted- there are about forty layers in the model. But only one texture! My strategy was to make a small cloudy patch on a .png texture, then apply it to lots of shapes which I pieced together to make a wasp-waisted structure. So it has lots of layers, but they are all the sam...
by DonAVP
14.06.2006, 02:51
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia on the new MacBook?
Replies: 10
Views: 6050

Re: Celestia on the new MacBook?

Don't worry, take it easy!! :wink: You can find all you need on ML I think... Seems to work fine indeed... well if during your Celestial trips you note something wrong, just post here. Tx a lot. Later. Just to clarify ElChristou's answer ML is Motherlode You calle...
by DonAVP
04.06.2006, 02:48
Forum: Scripting
Topic: How can I play sound
Replies: 11
Views: 13526

Re: How can I play sound

Tell you what I do. It is very simple. I just get on iTones or one of the many other sources of inline music. Select something you like to listen to. I my case something classical. I then enjoy visiting different planets, stars, and binary systems while I show whoever will listen and watch 8O :? 8) ...
by DonAVP
04.06.2006, 00:49
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: It´s unbeliveable.Nothing new happens in Celestia
Replies: 25
Views: 12480

Re: It??s unbeliveable.Nothing new happens in Celestia

I think you have done just the opposite of what you expected from your rant. Who elected you project manager? :x I have been on board sense late last year. This is a cool program and cool community with one exception YOU. In that short time I have written and posted a script and contributed a model ...
by DonAVP
28.05.2006, 20:30
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: DOWNLOAD Celestia patch3 final: sound, image/text overlay...
Replies: 79
Views: 72899

Re: DOWNLOAD Celestia patch3 final: sound, image/text overlay...

Vincent: Here are screen grabs of the comet image with the patch and without the patch. The patch comet is shallow and dish like, not at all like a comet. The unpatched comet looks natural. I am using an older 32Meg Quatro2 NVidia chip. Is this how you see the comets? Don
by DonAVP
28.05.2006, 19:44
Forum: Development
Topic: Spacecraft Trajectories and Dynamics
Replies: 71
Views: 60932

Re: Spacecraft Trajectories and Dynamics


I posted you a private message. I have a model of the CEV.

by DonAVP
27.05.2006, 03:17
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New forum: Celestia in Education?
Replies: 23
Views: 12334

Re: New forum: Celestia in Education?

This subject is very interesting to me. Although I agree this thread should be on this site like the others threads; Celestia Development, Celestia Textures, Celestia Scripting etc. I offered to present a fly thru demo using Celestia at our local library. They are planning a space theme in the child...
by DonAVP
21.05.2006, 03:14
Forum: Development
Topic: Spacecraft Trajectories and Dynamics
Replies: 71
Views: 60932

Re: Spacecraft Trajectories and Dynamics

Richard: OK I have downloaded the images on the website you provided. I have no idea about scale so I will guess based upon the apollo craft and lunar lander. Although it will be a little bigger. I will go over the NASA site and see what other mission infor I can find as well. If you know if any ima...
by DonAVP
20.05.2006, 00:50
Forum: Development
Topic: 3D modeling software
Replies: 11
Views: 10397

Re: 3D modeling software

I use Lightwave. I also have two programs that convert any 3D fileformat into any other format. RightHemisphere's Deep Exploration and Okinio's PloyTrans
by DonAVP
19.05.2006, 23:54
Forum: Development
Topic: Spacecraft Trajectories and Dynamics
Replies: 71
Views: 60932

Re: Spacecraft Trajectories and Dynamics

Does anyone know of any fairly nice 3ds models of the proposed Crew Exploration Vehicle and/or (new) lunar lander? Richard: I have been reading this thread. Very interesting. I don't have any models or were to get them. I could possible model them if you could provide images-links etc. I use Lightw...

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