Posts by Darkmiss

by Darkmiss
18.09.2002, 19:54
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Images at TeXfoundry gallery
Replies: 12
Views: 6455

Re: New Images at TeXfoundry gallery

you can almost see my House, in one of those pictures :lol:
by Darkmiss
17.09.2002, 00:28
Forum: Textures
Topic: What are the best Image files to use ?
Replies: 4
Views: 4533

What are the best Image files to use ?

out of all the image files

What one would be the best to use for the planet textures,
to make Celestia run as smooth as posible ?

I know JPG's are slow decompressing

But what about dds, bmp, png, or tiff ?

and what would be there good and bad points, for this program ?
by Darkmiss
16.09.2002, 21:16
Forum: Development
Topic: my planet
Replies: 9
Views: 5771

Re: my planet

Nope, still not working
by Darkmiss
16.09.2002, 14:37
Forum: Textures
Topic: Blue Mars .DDS Files ?
Replies: 7
Views: 6790

Re: Blue Mars .DDS Files ?

Sounds good to me Don

And that looks great

Im still a bit new to this anyway
What is the best file type to use DDS, or PNG :?:

I know that JPG's take longer to load, but thats about it.
by Darkmiss
16.09.2002, 14:31
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: New Gallery on TexFoundry site
Replies: 3
Views: 2251

Re: New Gallery on TexFoundry site

Hey Toofri, where might I be able to get that Mars texture you have ?
by Darkmiss
15.09.2002, 23:51
Forum: Textures
Topic: Rassilon, Triton Texture
Replies: 1
Views: 3014

Rassilon, Triton Texture

Hey Rassilon,
Here is a link to my Triton Texture if you want it.
by Darkmiss
15.09.2002, 19:12
Forum: Textures
Topic: Blue Mars .DDS Files ?
Replies: 7
Views: 6790

Blue Mars .DDS Files ?

Does anyone have a nice quality DDS file of Blue Mars
that they would share with me ? Please....
by Darkmiss
15.09.2002, 18:12
Forum: Textures
Topic: Celestia Gallery
Replies: 11
Views: 8953

Re: Celestia Gallery

Wow some nice shots there SumO

I will have to start making some fantasy solarSystems.
by Darkmiss
15.09.2002, 18:00
Forum: Development
Topic: Martian Trojan Asteroids
Replies: 2
Views: 2386

Re: Martian Trojan Asteroids

Thank you Selden
works a treat
by Darkmiss
13.09.2002, 22:34
Forum: Textures
Topic: Celestia Gallery
Replies: 11
Views: 8953

Re: Celestia Gallery

Chris, are you going to add a link to this on the main Celestia page
or do we have to bookmark it ?
by Darkmiss
13.09.2002, 18:48
Forum: Textures
Topic: Celestia Gallery
Replies: 11
Views: 8953

Re: Celestia Gallery

Cool I like this.. thank you Chris.

Here is a link to all the galleries

just a question, are there any restrictions as to size of file, and image resolution ?
by Darkmiss
13.09.2002, 18:38
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: When when when ... ???
Replies: 11
Views: 7024

Re: When when when ... ???

Ahhh! dont be like that mike. dont listen to them.
Some people just hate fun

Not like this forum has thousands of members
and thousands of posts eveyday is it...
by Darkmiss
12.09.2002, 12:12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 1.2.5b3 low priority bug: initial logo not drawn
Replies: 5
Views: 3724

Re: 1.2.5b3 low priority bug: initial logo not drawn

here is my Start.cel it waits for 5 seconds then the logo fades, then it sets off for Earth. then rotates around it for 5 seconds. works perfect { wait { duration 5.0 } timerate { rate 100 } select { object "Sol/Earth" } follow {} goto { time 5 distance 3.5 upframe "equatorial" } wait { duration 0.5...
by Darkmiss
12.09.2002, 12:02
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How big is you Celestia Directory now ?
Replies: 23
Views: 13662

Re: How big is you Celestia Directory now ?

Bloody hell, guys 8O 8O 8O
I thought my Directory was big

the bigest file I have is a 43 meg file :roll:

What is "Mostly Harmless" all about :?:
by Darkmiss
11.09.2002, 23:03
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: How big is you Celestia Directory now ?
Replies: 23
Views: 13662

How big is you Celestia Directory now ?

How big has your Celestia directory grown, since you first installed it.
after adding new textures and add-ons, and so on..

My directory is now 140 meg :o
by Darkmiss
11.09.2002, 20:58
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: When when when ... ???
Replies: 11
Views: 7024

Re: When when when ... ???

When it's finished :twisted:
by Darkmiss
10.09.2002, 09:59
Forum: Bugs
Topic: 1.2.5b3 low priority bug: object misdrawn
Replies: 2
Views: 2696

Re: 1.2.5b3 low priority bug: object misdrawn

You must have some kind of video problem
I dont get this bug at all

So I would think it is your end..
by Darkmiss
09.09.2002, 23:59
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Destination: Toutatis
Replies: 3
Views: 3179

Re: Destination: Toutatis

some of my favorite asteroids are Toutatis, and Castalia
But I love to watch Ida, from its own orbiting asteroid Dactyl
by Darkmiss
09.09.2002, 23:32
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: 1.2.5 prerelease 3
Replies: 20
Views: 11660

Re: 1.2.5 prerelease 3

I am useing a Microsoft Intellimouse 5 button opticalmouse, with a wheel as mouse button 3. as for the exe's I have 1.2.4 full, 1.2.5b2, and 1.2.5b3. the FOV works in both 1.2.5 beta versions, but not in 1.2.4, for me. I just move the FOV: to a funky view and hit the mouse wheel to set it instantly ...
by Darkmiss
09.09.2002, 20:48
Forum: Textures
Topic: Download Large DDS textures here
Replies: 38
Views: 24776

Re: Download Large DDS textures here

The 16k DDS earth file at the top of the page, has everything in it
earth textures, bumpmap, and Alpha blending (if thats what its called)

Im useing that file and I dont get reflections on land.
should unzip to about 43meg

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