Posts by Bob Hegwood

by Bob Hegwood
27.09.2005, 22:08
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: FINAL release of new Mercury model DONE!!
Replies: 68
Views: 45054

Re: FINAL release of new Mercury model DONE!!

Am I not understanding again? (likely)

However, wouldn't this kind of positioning and El Christou's desire to
position the spacecraft correctly require an XYZ file?

Just curious.
by Bob Hegwood
26.09.2005, 23:30
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: models not appearing in Celestia
Replies: 38
Views: 26963

Re: models not appearing in Celestia

Well, since Selden hasn't come along yet... You should always download the latest drivers for your graphics card, and it could be that the models themselves aren't pointing to the proper directories. Again, I don't know beans about most of these things, but surely someone else here can help you... T...
by Bob Hegwood
04.05.2005, 23:18
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Celestia and monitor resolution
Replies: 13
Views: 8729

Re: Celestia and monitor resolution

t00fri wrote:In case you have never seen some "pixels" here they are, specially for you ;-)

Thanks Fridger... :lol:

You just made me spit out my lemonade while reading this thread. Started
laughing so hard my wife thought I was having a heart attack. :wink:

Keep up the good work.

Take care, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
24.04.2005, 21:54
Forum: Development
Topic: Is it time to fork Celestia?
Replies: 85
Views: 54532

Re: Is it time to fork Celestia?

Forking development of a software means to open a new branch of working on it, so that there will exist two different versions of the software in the future Thanks for the education Maxim... You guys had me worried there for a moment. Since this is the explanation, I wouldn't mind seeing a fork. Ho...
by Bob Hegwood
24.04.2005, 16:46
Forum: Development
Topic: Is it time to fork Celestia?
Replies: 85
Views: 54532

Re: Is it time to fork Celestia?

Just curious... What does it mean to say "Fork Celestia?" Do you mean that we should throw the software away and forget about it? Do you mean that we should stop developing add-ons and textures for it? Can't imagine that that's what you mean. I'll be using Celestia on my PC until I'm dead. (Probably...
by Bob Hegwood
10.04.2005, 16:09
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: How can I make a difference?
Replies: 29
Views: 17689

Re: How can I make a difference?

KeirenHalcyon92, Like yourself, I have to answer "NO" to all of the questions put to you above... However, you should find something that you really enjoy doing in Celestia - and here on the forum - and just make a pain of yourself for a while. :wink: I find that I like to create Touring scripts, bu...
by Bob Hegwood
10.04.2005, 15:51
Forum: Add-on development
Topic: Extended Gas Giant Classification System - CLOSED
Replies: 34
Views: 25659

Re: Extended Gas Giant Classification System - CLOSED


Just wanted to say "Thanks" for this interesting way to look at planets
which we can't yet see. Great idea. :wink:

Take care, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
09.04.2005, 19:53
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Where is Bob?
Replies: 16
Views: 11041

Re: Where is Bob?

Nice to see you again Bob! It was about time :wink: Let??s keep those crazy doctors away now. :) Thanks all for the comments. As far as Doctors go, I'd personally like to take a baseball bat to most of them. Sorry Fridger, I don't mean you... I'm talking about medical doctors now. :wink: Take care,...
by Bob Hegwood
08.04.2005, 22:27
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Where is Bob?
Replies: 16
Views: 11041

He's BACK...

Sorry all, and thanks for the concern.

I've been at the mercy of some sadistic doctors for a while,
and there wasn't much I could do about it. <shrug>

I'll try to stay out of the hospital for a while now. :wink:

Take care, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
14.03.2005, 12:11
Forum: Scripting
Topic: rotating a spacecraft
Replies: 4
Views: 5877

Re: rotating a spacecraft

I've had to bring up a script in wordpad, then cut and past to keep it as a *.cel. I can't seem to save without it turning into an unformatted text document. Could you guide me on this ? I simply use Windows Notepad to write scripts and ssc files. Just save the file as a plain old .txt file, then r...
by Bob Hegwood
13.03.2005, 18:19
Forum: Scripting
Topic: rotating a spacecraft
Replies: 4
Views: 5877

Re: rotating a spacecraft

Terry, You should be able to make your spacecraft do whatever you want it to do by modifying some of the parameters in an SSC file which describes your spacecraft. The following code describes Jestr's and Frank's 2001 Discovery spacecraft. Note that entries starting with the # sign are comments. "Di...
by Bob Hegwood
13.03.2005, 17:41
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: My Latest & Best Titan Texture for Download, NOW
Replies: 27
Views: 18604

Re: My Latest & Best Titan Texture for Download, NOW


Just wanted to thank you for this beautiful texture. I'll have to reduce it a
bit in order to use it on my machine, but it's far better than any other
Titan texture I've seen.

Again, thanks very much for the beautiful texture and your hard work.

Take care, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
12.03.2005, 16:17
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Screenshot Contest for March 2005
Replies: 33
Views: 20589

Re: Screenshot Contest for March 2005

Can't believe that no one else has added this screenshot yet... <shrug> Click the link below to see my favorite screenshot from Celestia. Is a representation of the Space Station from 2001. Much prefer this to the floating pile of space junk which is our current space station. Click HERE . Thanks, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
11.03.2005, 21:55
Forum: Development
Topic: Celestia, translation and languages
Replies: 17
Views: 13047

Re: Celestia, translation and languages

Tosv, Don't know if it will help or not, but Ulrich Dickmann (a.k.a. Adirondack) has successfully translated a good number of scripts into German. Maybe you could ask him for some advice on the processes involved? Just a thought. Also, there are a wide variety of language translation sites available...
by Bob Hegwood
09.03.2005, 14:38
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Center of the Universe
Replies: 18
Views: 13499

Re: Center of the Universe

One should compare only the surface of the balloon with 3D space, and ignore the 3D properties of the balloon. This way you'll see that dots on the balloon (representing galaxies) do not move with respect to the balloon's surface, but that they get further apart because the balloon's surface itself...
by Bob Hegwood
07.03.2005, 21:42
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Center of the Universe
Replies: 18
Views: 13499

Re: Point of origin

If everything in the universe is expanding outward, wouldn't the logical solution involve running time backwards to see the point in space and time where all the galaxies and other stuff originated? You can do precisely that, but consider where that simulation leads: We'll trace the Milky Way back ...
by Bob Hegwood
06.03.2005, 22:07
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Center of the Universe
Replies: 18
Views: 13499

Re: Center of the Universe

Pardon the intrusion from the Brain-Dead... But wouldn't the center of the Universe exist at the point where the Big Bang originated? If everything in the universe is expanding outward, wouldn't the logical solution involve running time backwards to see the point in space and time where all the gala...
by Bob Hegwood
05.03.2005, 15:37
Forum: Scripting
Topic: arange a celestial body...
Replies: 3
Views: 4765

Re: arange a celestial body...

Well, I'm glad it helped somebody...

Thanks for the thanks. :wink:

Take care, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
05.03.2005, 01:14
Forum: Physics and Astronomy
Topic: Alice Law Educational Freeware
Replies: 1
Views: 2298

Alice Law Educational Freeware

Just found a very interesting educational freeware package which deals with special and general relativity. Is a great educational package and is completely free. Can be found at: Just thought you'd like to know about it. Last updated in February 2005. Take care, Bob
by Bob Hegwood
04.03.2005, 04:29
Forum: Celestia Users
Topic: Warming up with GIMP Tutorials!
Replies: 11
Views: 6584

Re: Warming up with GIMP Tutorials!

Fridger, Sorry I've been away, but I'm back now... Also, what gives here? I thought that you were going to give us a tutorial on how to manipulate textures for Celestia. Hell, I can view the Gimp tutorials any time, but I thought that you had some specific instruction in mind. No? Your superb Iapetu...

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